DOC:Technote 64 Incorrect About ThreadingModel Registration

ID: Q150100

The information in this article applies to:
  • The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), included with:
    • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, version 4.1


Technote 64 states the following:

   Controls that support apartment-model threading should indicate this
   capability in the registry, by adding the key ThreadingModel with a
   value of Apartment under their class ID registry entry. To cause this
   key to be automatically registered for your control, pass the
   afxRegApartmentThreading flag in the sixth parameter to
This information is not correct. Apartment-model threading is not supported by MFC in Microsoft Visual C++ for Windows, version 4.1. The afxRegApartmentThreading value is not used in this version and the registry is not modified to reflect apartment-model threading support.

This documentation error was fixed in Visual C++ version 5.0. The following text was added to Technote 64 in Visual C++ 5.0:

   Note that apartment-model threading is only supported in Visual C++
   versions 4.2 or later. 

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbole kbdocfix kbdocerr kbMFC kbVC
Version : 4.1
Platform : NT WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: July 22, 1999
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