PRB: CLongBinary Edits Fail with SQL Server Snapshot

ID: Q156296

The information in this article applies to:
  • The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), included with:
    • Microsoft Visual C++ 32-bit Edition, versions 4.0, 4.1, 4.2


When calling CRecordset::Edit() followed by CRecordset::Update() to update an image field in a snapshot recordset, you may receive the following errors:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'UPDATE'.
State:37000,Native:156,Origin:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server]

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.
State:37000,Native:170,Origin:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server]


There is a bug in the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver version 2.65.0201, which ships with Visual C++ version 4.2.


Upgrade your SQL Server ODBC driver to version 2.65.0213, which comes with Microsoft Visual C++, Enterprise Edition, version 4.2 or with the Service Pack 1 for Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5.


This problem occurs only when the cursor library is loaded and the recordset is opened as a snapshot. Dynasets without the cursor library do not display this problem.


For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q152709 FIX: Update of BLOB Data w/SQL Server 2.65.0201 Driver Stops

Additional query words:

Keywords : kberrmsg kbprg kbDatabase kbMFC kbODBC kbVC
Version : winnt:
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 31, 2000
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