FIX: Access Violation When Calling COleVariant::Clear()

ID: Q177912

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, versions 5.0, 5.0sp1, 5.0sp2
  • Microsoft Data Access Components version 2.1 SP2


When calling COleVariant::Clear(), an access violation occurs when the variant type is VT_DECIMAL.


There is special code in COleVariant::Clear() that checks the type of the variant and calls SysFreeString() if it is equal to VT_BSTRT (14). Here is the code:

   #ifndef _UNICODE
      if (vt == VT_BSTRT)
             VERIFY(::VariantClear(this) == NOERROR);
VT_BSTRT is used to identify ANSI BSTRs and is a special type that MFC uses internally. The problem is that OLE also defines VT_DECIMAL to be 14.

Thus, if you call Clear() on a COleVariant, which has a variant type of VT_DECIMAL, an access violation will occur because the function calls SysFreeString() on a non-existent string.


Don't call COleVariant::Clear(); instead, call VariantClear() and pass in the COleVariant.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in Visual C++ version 6.0 for Windows.


The GetRows() ADO sample, which is provided with the OLE DB 1.1 SDK, contains code that can cause the access violation when calling Clear().

Here is the DoGetRows() function from GETRDLG.CPP:

   HRESULT CGetRowsDlg::DoGetRows()
      HRESULT         hr;
      COleVariant      vBookmark, rgvFields;
      COleVariant      cRows;
      COleVariant      varField, varNewField;
      CString         strLBRow;
      LONG         lNumOfCol, lNumRecords;
      LONG         lIndex[2];
      CListBox      *pListBox =
                               (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_GETROWSLIST);

      //Perform GetRows on Employee table.

      //Start from the current place
      vBookmark.vt = VT_ERROR;
      vBookmark.scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND;

      //Get all columns.
      rgvFields.vt = VT_ERROR;
      rgvFields.scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND;

   if (!m_piEmpRecordSet)
      return E_NOINTERFACE;

      hr = m_piEmpRecordSet->GetRows(   adGetRowsRest,
      if (FAILED(hr)) goto ErrorExit;

      //Find out how many records were actually retrieved,
      //(SafeArrays are 1-based)
      lNumOfCol = 2;
      SafeArrayGetUBound(cRows.parray, 2, &lNumRecords);

      //Clear the listbox

      for (lIndex[1] = 0; lIndex[1] <= lNumRecords; lIndex[1]++)
             strLBRow.Empty();//Clear the string
             for (lIndex[0] = 0; lIndex[0] <= lNumOfCol; lIndex[0]++)
               SafeArrayGetElement(cRows.parray, &lIndex[0], &varField);
               hr = VariantChangeType(&varNewField, &varField, 0, VT_BSTR);

               if(hr == S_OK)
                 strLBRow += (LPCWSTR)varNewField.bstrVal;
                 strLBRow += _T(", ");

      return hr;

      TCHAR szBuf[256];
      wsprintf(szBuf, _T("Error: %d \n"), hr);

      return hr;
NOTE: If the column type returned from the ADO source is VT_DECIMAL, the varField.Clear() function will crash because COleVariant::Clear() calls SysFreeString() on data that is not a string.

To reproduce the error, add the following lines of code to the function CGetRowsDlg::DoGetRows():

   COleVariant var10;

   hr = VariantChangeType(&var10, &varField, 0, VT_DECIMAL);
        AfxMessageBox("Can't VariantChangeType to decimal");
Add the code just before the line:


Additional query words: bug AV GPF kbvc500bug kbvc600fix

Keywords : kbole kbADO kbMFC kbVC kbVC500bug kbVC600fix kbGrpMDAC
Version : WINDOWS:2.1 SP2,5.0,5.0sp1,5.0sp2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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