The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSCalling the AtlAdvise() function to setup a connection point might return one of the following error numbers:
CAUSEE_NOINTERFACE ErrorThe E_NOINTERFACE error is returned when AtlAdvise() calls the QueryInterface() method for IID_IConnectionPointContainer and fails.CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION ErrorThe CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION error is returned when AtlAdvise() calls the IConnectionPointContainer::FindConnectionPoint() method and fails. The ATL implementation of the IConnectionPointContainerImpl::FindConnectionPoint() function looks in the connection point map for the event interface and returns this error if it doesn't find it.CONNECT_E_CANNOTCONNECT ErrorThe CONNECT_E_CANNOTCONNECT error is returned when AtlAdvise() calls the IConnectionPoint::Advise() method and fails. The ATL implementation of the IConnectionPointImpl::Advise() function calls QueryInterface() on the sink object (the client), looking for the event interface, and returns this error if it doesn't find it.RESOLUTIONE_NOINTERFACE ErrorFor the E_NOINTERFACE error, verify that the source or server supports the IconnectionPointContainer interface. In ATL, this means that the source object should derive from the IConnectionPointContainerImpl class and that IConnectionPointContainer needs to be in the COM map, as in the following example:Sample Code
CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION ErrorFor the CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION error, verify that there is a connection point entry for the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the event interface in the connection point map, as in the following example:Sample Code
CONNECT_E_CANNOTCONNECT ErrorFor the CONNECT_E_CANNOTCONNECT error, verify that the event interface is in the sink, or client, COM map, as in the following example:
Another cause of failure might be that the event interface is a custom
interface and the source, or server, is out of process (an .exe file). You
need to install a marshaler for the custom interface for QueryInterface()
to work across process boundaries.
If all the methods of the event interface pass automation-compatible types (they are VARIANT-compatible), you can set an attribute of "oleautomation" in the source .idl file. When an ATL server is registered, its type library is also registered. This sets up the marshaler for this interface to be the universal marshaler (in OleAut32.dll). If the event interface passes non-automation-compatible types, then a proxy DLL needs to be built and registered. The ATL Project Wizard creates a proxy makefile in your project directory with the name <Project>.mk. You can run NMake.exe on this .mk file to build the proxy DLL. MORE INFORMATION
If you look up these HRESULTs in the Error Lookup tool, you get a different
description. 0x80040200 appears as "Unable to impersonate DCOM client" or
CO_E_FAILEDTOIMPERSONATE. 0x80040202 appears as "Unable to open the access
token of the current thread" or CO_E_FAILEDTOOPENTHREADTOKEN. These
HRESULTS have a Facility of FACILITY_ITF, which means they are used for
custom interfaces and there can be duplicates (the Facility is bits 15-30
of the HRESULT).
REFERENCESMicrosoft Visual C++ Samples, ATL Samples: POLYGON Sample; CONNECT Sample Additional query words: 80004002 80040200 80040202 kbVC420 kbVC500 kbVC600 kbATL200 kbATL210 kbATL300 kbserver
Keywords : kbActiveX kbATL200 kbATL210 kbCOMt kbConnPts kbDebug kbVC420 kbVC500 kbVC600 kbATL300 kbGrpMFCATL |
Last Reviewed: November 23, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |