DOC: Setting ActiveProject and ActiveConfiguration Properties

ID: Q189431

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, version 5.0


The Visual C++ documentation shows an incorrect syntax for setting the ActiveConfiguration and ActiveProject properties. For example, the following macro written in Visual Basic Scripting Edition:

   ActiveProject = "MyProjectName" 
causes the following run-time error:
Unable to write read-only property.
This error gives the impression that the property is read-only which is not the case. Use the following syntax instead:

   Set ActiveProject = Projects("MyProjectName") 


The ActiveProject property

The ActiveProject Property topic in the Visual C++ documentation (see REFERENCES section) incorrectly shows the syntax for setting the ActiveProject property. It states:

   object.ActiveProject [=string] 
where object is an expression that evaluates to an Application object and string is the name of the project minus any file extension. When you access the ActiveProject property of the Application object, you can omit object because the name of the Application object is implied when you access its properties and methods.

If you use the following VBScript macro:

   ActiveProject = "MyProjectName" 
the following error occurs:
Unable to write read-only property.
This error gives the impression that the property is read-only which is not the case. Use the following syntax for setting the ActiveProject property instead:

   Set ActiveProject = Projects(string) 
where string is the name of a project contained in the current workspace minus any file extension. It is case sensitive.

The following is an alternative syntax:

   Set ActiveProject = Projects.Item(n) 
where n is an integer from 1 to the total number of projects in the current workspace.

Another alternative is:

   Set ActiveProject = prj 
where prj is a variable already set to a project object.

The ActiveConfiguration property

The ActiveConfiguration Property topic in the Visual C++ documentation (see REFERENCES section) incorrectly shows the syntax for setting the ActiveConfiguration property. It states:

   object.ActiveConfiguration [=string] 
where object is an expression that evaluates to an Application object and string is the name of a valid configuration in the active project. When you access the ActiveConfiguration property of the Application object, you can omit object because the name of the Application object is implied when you access its properties and methods.

If you use the following VBScript macro:

   ActiveConfiguration = "MyConfiguration" 
the following error occurs:
Unable to write read-only property.
This error gives the impression that the property is read-only which is not the case. Use the following syntax for setting the ActiveConfiguration property:

   Set ActiveConfiguration = ActiveProject.Configurations(n) 
where n is an integer from 1 to the total number of configurations in the active project.

An alternative syntax is:

   Set ActiveConfiguration = ActiveProject.Configurations.Item(n) 
where n is an integer from 1 to the total number of configurations in the active project.

Another alternative is:

   Set ActiveConfiguration = config 
where config is a variable already set to a configuration object.


Visual C++ Books Online: Developer Studio Environment User's Guide; Automating Tasks in Developer Studio; Developer Studio Objects; Reference: Developer Studio Objects; Properties; ActiveProject Property

   URL mk:@ivt:istudio/F3/D10/S1BACE.htm 
Visual C++ Books Online: Developer Studio Environment User's Guide; Automating Tasks in Developer Studio; Developer Studio Objects; Reference: Developer Studio Objects; Properties; ActiveConfiguration Property

   URL mk:@ivt:dsug/F22/D24/S11300.htm 

Additional query words: kbAutomation kbIDE kbVC500

Keywords : kbdocerr
Version : WINNT:5.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 30, 1999
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