BUG: Custom AppWizard Generates Incorrect Toolbars and Bitmaps
ID: Q190977
The information in this article applies to:
The AppWizard, included with:
Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, version 6.0
Custom AppWizards based on Standard MFC AppWizard steps have the following
problems when generating applications that do not support the Document/View
- SDI applications created with the AppWizard, that do not support the Document/View architecture, do not have the proper associations between their toolbar buttons and their images. For example: the Help About toolbar button has the Print image on it. When Context-sensitive help is selected, the Help toolbar button has the Help About image on it.
- MDI applications that do not support the Document/View architecture and have Context-sensitive Help do not have a Help toolbar image.
There is one toolbar bitmap (Tbnd_.bmp) that is used for both SDI and MDI
applications without Document/View support. This same bitmap is also used
when Context-sensitive Help is selected in Custom AppWizard step 4. This
bitmap does not contain the Help toolbar image.
In the case of SDI applications, there is no File New toolbar button
To remedy the disassociation between toolbar buttons and images for SDI
applications, remove the following compile-time directives in the Toolbar
section of the template file, All.rc:
// Toolbar
$$IF(!PROJTYPE_SDI) <-Remove this directive
$$ENDIF // !PROJTYPE_SDI <-Remove this directive
At this point, both SDI and MDI applications behave the same way--each is
missing an image on the Help button when Context-sensitive help is
selected. To resolve this problem, you must create a new toolbar bitmap that contains all of the images in Tbnd_.bmp, but also includes a Help image. Follow these steps to create the new toolbar bitmap:
- In FileView, expand the Template directory. Open the Tbah_.bmp toolbar bitmap in the resource editor by double-clicking it. This bitmap
contains the required images along with the File Open and File Save
- In the Graphics window, select the Rectangle Selection tool if it is not already selected. Using the mouse, select the File Open and File Save images by dragging the mouse over them. Press the DEL key.
NOTE: Toolbar images are 16x15 pixels in size. The area you select
should be 32x15 and can be verified in the status bar.
- Using the mouse, select the remaining images to the left of the deleted area. These images include Edit Cut, Edit Copy, Edit Paste, Help About and Help. Once the images are selected, use the mouse and drag the
images to the right so they are flush with the File New image. Resize
the width of the bitmap to be flush with Help image. On the main menu
bar, click File, and then click SaveAs. In this article, we will refer to it as Tbndh.bmp. Save the bitmap and close the resource editor.
- On the Project menu, click Add To Project, and then click Files. Select the newly created bitmap from the Template directory and click OK.
- On the Insert menu, click Resource. Click Toolbar and click Import.
Select the new bitmap. To do this, go to the Open As list, select Custom, and click Import. Select "TEMPLATE" as the Resource type and click OK.
- Right-click the resource in ResourceView and click Properties. In the ID drop-down box, type "TBNDH.BMP" (note that you must use the quotation marks) and click OK.
- Add the following compile-time directive to the Resources section of the NewProj.inf template file:
$$// Resources
$$IF(HELP) //Context-sensitive help // <-Add this directive.
=:tbndh.bmp res\Toolbar.bmp // <-Use the new toolbar.
$$ELSE // <-Add this directive.
=:tbnd_.bmp res\Toolbar.bmp
$$ENDIF // HELP // <-Add this directive.
- Recompile your Custom AppWizard.
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed
at the beginning of this article.
SDI applications that do not support the Document/View architecture do not
have File New menu support. This is because a Frame and View are always
created for you when the application is run. You may edit the code to
include a File New menu and handler if you like. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q190518 BUG: MFC AppWizard Generates Incorrect Toolbars and Bitmaps
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
- Create and build a Custom AppWizard project based on Standard MFC
AppWizard (exe) steps.
- Create a project based on your new Custom AppWizard. In step 1, select Single Document, clear Document/View architecture support. Accept the defaults in steps 2 and 3. In step 4, select Context-sensitive help and
click Finish.
- Build and run the application. Verify the toolbar tooltips.
- Create a project based on your new Custom AppWizard. In step 1, select Multiple Document and clear Document/View architecture support. Accept the defaults in steps 2 and 3. In step 4, select Context-sensitive help and click Finish.
- Build and run the application. Verify that the Help toolbar button has no image.
"Creating an MFC EXE Program:" Visual C++ Documentation, Using Visual C++,
Visual C++ Programmer's Guide, Beginning Your Program, Creating a Custom
"Toolbar Editor:" Visual C++ Documentation, Using Visual C++, Visual C++
User's Guide, Resource Editors, Toolbar Editor.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbwizard kbVC600bug
Version : winnt:6.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug