PRB: Can Not Debug Using IDE Over Windows CE Services
ID: Q193511
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows CE 2.1 Enhancement Pack for Windows CE Embedded Toolkit for Visual C++ 5.0
SYMPTOMS- Attempts to debug an application on a Windows CE 2.1 sample project
using the Developer Studio debugger over Windows CE Services results in
the following error:
Failed to verify OS or platform.
- Attempts to perform operations using Pfile.exe over Windows CE Services
result in failed connections or incorrect results.
- When connecting Windows CE Services to sample projects via Repllog.exe,
no partnership is established and the mobile devices window on the host
displays the following:
Waiting for a mobile device to connect...
There is no support for Windows CE Services connectivity with Windows CE
2.1 in this release.
The Windows CE 2.1 Enhancement Pack does not include the necessary target-
side connectivity components for Windows CE Services debugging.
Unsupported, limited functionality for Windows CE Services debugging can be
obtained by using the Windows CE 2.0 components included with the Windows
CE Embedded Toolkit for Visual C++ 5.0. Windows CE 2.0 projects can still
use Windows CE Services connectivity as usual.
- The Mobile Devices explorer does not function using this solution.
- This solution can not be used with CE Shell debugging.
- There is no solution for new processors because the Windows CE Embedded
Toolkit for Visual C++ 5.0 doesn't have component binaries for them.
Supported debugging with the Windows CE 2.1 Enhancement Pack is done
through the Windows CE Debug Shell tool (CESH). For information about
configuring the Visual C++ IDE (Developer Studio) to use CESH for
debugging, please see the section "Target Platform Connectivity Using the
VC++ IDE" in the article "Release Notes for Windows CE 2.1 Enhancement Pack
for the Windows CE Embedded Toolkit for Visual C++ 5.0" in the online
documentation installed with the Enhancement Pack.
Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information here in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
MORE INFORMATIONIncluding Target Side Windows CE Services Components
The Repllog.exe and Rapisrv.exe files that must be added to the Windows CE
2.1 project to establish communications with Windows CE Services. Do the
following to incorporate these files into your Windows CE 2.1 project
- Copy the retail components from the Windows CE 2.0 directories to your
Windows CE 2.1 target project OAK\FILES directory. This ensures that the
files are copied to your release directory during the build process. For
example, for the MAXALL project:
- Add the files to your Project.bib file for the target project (the
MAXALL Project.bib file is in C:\WinCE210\Public\Maxall\Oak\Files). This
ensures that the files are included in the binary OS image during the
build process. For example:
repllog.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\repllog.exe NK
rapisrv.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\rapisrv.exe NK
- Rebuild the project.
Establishing Communications with Windows CE Services
With Windows CE Services running and waiting for a connection, do the
- On the host device, run Pfconfig.exe and select Windows CE Services.
- On the target device, run Remnet.exe to create a remote networking
connection with suitable communications parameters (that is, correct
communications port, data rate, and so on).
- Run Control.exe and use the Communications applet to set the PC
Connection parameters to use the remote networking connection just
created. Close the applet.
- Run Repllog.exe.
Once the device is logged on and the connection is established, the CEPC
device will indicate that it has been connected.
The host device may not indicate that it is connected. The message "Waiting
for a mobile device to connect..." will remain even after the target device
has successfully connected.
You should now be able to use Pfile.exe and Developer Studio remote
debugging as usual. If this solution does not work, the CE Shell method
must be used for debugging. CE Shell debugging is available for all
You may receive a warning dialog box from Developer Studio:
The Platform and/or OS version do not match. Do you want to continue?
It is safe to ignore this warning. Click Yes to dismiss the dialog box.
Keywords : kbide kbOAK kbVC500 kbWinCE210
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb