The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSYou are unable to logon to Exchange Server when calling the logon method of the Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) Session object in an Active Server Page. The following error is generated: (NOTE: CDO was formerly known as Active Messaging.) CAUSE
If an invalid profile name is entered, the error will be generated. The
logon method must refer to an existing profile or must create a new
profile. In most cases in an ASP, it is best to code the Logon method so
that it creates a profile. The profile that is created is temporary and can
be deleted when the CDO Session is ended.
RESOLUTIONThe way to create a new profile is to use the following syntax (this code should be on one line):
STATUSThis behavior is by design. MORE INFORMATIONTo create a Active Messaging ASP page copy, paste the following code into an ASP file:
Steps to Reproduce BehaviorTo receive the "MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED" error, simply change the following line from:
This CODE tries to use an existing profile that does not exist, thus
generating the "MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED" error.
For more information about the parameters passed to the Logon method,
please see the Online Help for Active Messaging and the "Logon Method
(Session Object)" topic under Collaboration Data Objects in the Microsoft
Developer Network Library (MSDN). Additional query words: Active Messaging Logon Failed ActMsg OleMsg
Keywords : kbCDO kbNTOS400 kbVisID100 kbWebServer kbGrpASP |
Last Reviewed: February 2, 2000 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |