PRB: Web Server Related Errors On Multi-Processor Machine

ID: Q192638

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual InterDev, versions 1.0, 6.0
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0


If you have an older version of FrontPage Server Extensions (FPSE) on a dual-processor machine, errors may manifest themselves in a number of ways. Some of those are listed here:

  • Unspecified errors in application log relating to FrontPage Server Extensions after server hangs

  • Strange permissions configuration problems with FrontPage Webs

  • Parse errors with files in the _vti_cnf folder and the web server stops, but shows as running in IIS Manager

  • "Unable to contact Web server" error when attempting to create a project in Visual InterDev

  • Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions: Error #80002 Message: System exception: access violation.

  • Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions: (OS Error #-1073741819 Message: exception occurred at 0x780014dc)

Any of the above errors may occur.


FPSE before version could potentially cause a server lock up on a Web server hosted on a multi-processor machine with multiple simultaneous authors.


Install the latest version of the FPSE, available from Microsoft's Web site at


This bug was corrected in FrontPage 2000.


For more information see the following Web site:

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbExtension kbFrontPage kbServer kbVisID100 kbVisID600 kbWebServer kbGrpASP kbIIS
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,6.0; winnt:4.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 10, 2000
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