PRB: Client-Side Error Messages Are Not Displayed

ID: Q195191

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual InterDev, version 6.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (Programming) versions 4.0, 4.01


When viewing a Web page that contains client-side scripts, the page executes up to the point where an error has occurred on the page, and then shows nothing else. When viewing the source of the page, you see nothing after the point where the script failed. No error messages appear in Internet Explorer.


No script error handling has been enabled.


Resolution 1

In Visual InterDev 6.0, enable Just-In-Time debugging with the following steps:
  1. Open the project related to the site.

  2. From the Tools menu, select Options and click Debugger.

  3. Turn on Just-In-Time debugging in the General and Script areas.

By following this procedure, you will be notified that an error has occurred and be asked if you would like to debug the Web page.

Resolution 2

Use the following steps in Internet Explorer 4.0:
  1. From the View menu, select Internet Options.

  2. Click the Advanced tab.

  3. Make sure Disable Script Debugging is selected.

By following this procedure, Internet Explorer will inform you that an error has occurred executing the script on the page and ask if you would like to continue to run scripts on the page.

Keywords : kbDebug kbIE400 kbIE401 kbGrpASP
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,4.01,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: May 10, 1999
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