INFO: VI 6.0 Server Components for RISC-Based Servers

ID: Q197328

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual InterDev, version 6.0
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server version 4.0
    on the following platforms: Alpha
  • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
    on the following platforms: Alpha


Microsoft Visual InterDev needs updated Java Script and Visual Basic Script DLLs to use the Scripting Object Model, which is necessary to use the Design-Time Controls (DTCs).

The Visual InterDev 6.0 Server Install, which provides these files on a Microsoft Internet Information Server running .asp or .htm pages, does not have these components for DEC Alpha machines running under Windows NT. Only .asp or .htm pages without the Scripting Object Model function on a DEC Alpha Web server.


This behavior is by design.

There are no Alpha equivalents of the scripting files that shipped with Visual InterDev or Visual Studio 6.0. However, there is version 5 of the scripting files for RISC based Windows NT Servers that was released after Visual InterDev shipped. These versions of the files can be obtained several ways:

Additional query words: Compaq Digital Equipment Corporation VBSCRIPT.DLL JSCRIPT.DLL i386

Keywords : kbsetup kbASP kbDecAlpha kbVisID600 kbVisID600bug kbGrpASP kbVS600sp3 kbInetDev
Version : WINDOWS:6.0; winnt:4.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: May 20, 1999
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