PRB: Corrupt Binary File After Merging with SourceSafe

ID: Q127993

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SourceSafe for Windows, version 3.1
  • Microsoft SourceSafe for Macintosh, version 3.1
  • Microsoft SourceSafe for MS-DOS, version 3.1
  • Microsoft SourceSafe for UNIX, version 3.0
  • Microsoft SourceSafe for OS/2, version 3.0


A Binary file is corrupted after a merge is attempted. There are two scenarios where a merge can occur:

  1. Multiple_Checkouts = Yes in the SRCSAFE.INI or SS.INI file.

  2. -or-

  3. A binary file is separated and later merged.

Binary files will become corrupt if SourceSafe attempts to merge these files.


This is by design. SourceSafe cannot read or edit binary files. These files can only safely be edited by the creator application.


To prevent scenario 1, put all binary files in a subproject, and put a Multiple_Checkouts=No in the project header for that subproject. This will turn off multiple checkouts for this subproject only.

For example, you may want to organize your projects as shown in the documentation (User Guide Chapter 2 Overview), with a subproject containing the binary files:

              - BINARIES 
Such that the following would be a subproject header:
To do this, place the following in the SS.INI file under the subproject header for each user:
Then only one person can edit that set of files.

To work around scenario 2, use the original application to accomplish the merge manually. In some cases, you can get both versions of the file and use the application utilities to merge the differences.


This behavior is by design.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbusage SourceSafe vbwin
Version : 3.10
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 13, 1999
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