INFO: Required Network Rights for the SourceSafe Directories

ID: Q131022

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, 32-bit, for Windows versions 5.0, 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, 16-bit and 32-bit, for Windows, version 4.0
  • Microsoft SourceSafe, for Windows, versions 3.1, 3.11
  • Microsoft SourceSafe, for Windows NT, versions 3.1
  • Microsoft SourceSafe, for MS-DOS, versions 3.1


Improperly setting network rights for the SourceSafe directories may cause errors with the system.


The following tables list the SourceSafe directories and the rights that need to be set for network access. Full access includes read, write, and destroy privileges.

For SourceSafe 3.x

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   Windows NT             for
   Directory              Network Access
   ---------------        ----------------

   \SS\WINNT              Read

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   MS-DOS or Windows      for
   Directory              Network Access
   -----------------      --------------------------------------------

   \SS                    Read
   \SS\DATA               Full access or read-only for read-only users
   \SS\ADMIN              None - But SourceSafe admins should have
                          full access

   \SS\TEMP               Full access
   \SS\USERS\<USERNAME>   Full access
   \SS\WINNT              None
   \SS\MACROS             Read 

SourceSafe 4.0 Server Installation

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   32-bit Windows         for
   Directory              Network Access
   -----------------      --------------------------------------

   \VSS\WIN32             None-But SourceSafe admins should have
                          full access

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   16-bit Windows         for
   Directory              Network Access
   -----------------      --------------------------------------

   \VSS\WIN               None-But SourceSafe admins should have
                          full access

   \VSS\DOS               None-But SourceSafe admins should have
                          full access

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   MS-DOS or Windows      for
   Directory              Network Access
   ------------------     --------------------------------------------

   \VSS                   Read
   \VSS\DATA              Full access or read-only for read-only users
   \VSS\TEMP              Full access
   \VSS\USERS\<USERNAME>  Full access
   \VSS\NETSETUP          Read
   \VSS\MACROS            Read 

SourceSafe 5.0 Server Installation

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   32-bit Windows         for
   Directory              Network Access
   -----------------      --------------------------------------

   \VSS\WIN32             None-But SourceSafe admins should have
                          full access

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   MS-DOS or Windows      for
   Directory              Network Access
   -----------------      --------------------------------------------

   \VSS                   Read
   \VSS\DATA              Full access or read-only for read-only users
   \VSS\DATA\LOGGEDIN     Full access
   \VSS\TEMP              Full access
   \VSS\USERS\<USERNAME>  Full access
   \VSS\NETSETUP          Read 

SourceSafe 6.0 Server Installation

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   32-bit Windows         for
   Directory              Network Access
   -----------------      --------------------------------------

   \VSS\WIN32             None-But SourceSafe admins should have
                          full access

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   MS-DOS or Windows      for
   Directory              Network Access
   -----------------      --------------------------------------------

   \VSS                   Read
   \VSS\DATA              Full access or read-only for read-only users
   \VSS\DATA\LOGGEDIN     Full access
   \VSS\DATA\LABELS       Full access
   \VSS\TEMP              Full access
   \VSS\USERS\<USERNAME>  Full access
   \VSS\NETSETUP          Read 
Although not recommended for performance reasons, if your SourceSafe Clients intend to run the SourceSafe executables directly from the Network (i.e.: they are not going to create a client installation on their local drives), then modify the table above with the following changes:

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   32-bit Windows         for
   Directory              Network Access

   ---------------        --------------------------------------

   \VSS\WIN32             Read-But SourceSafe admins should have
                          full access

   SourceSafe for         Rights Required
   16-bit Windows         for
   Directory              Network Access
   ----------------       --------------------------------------

   \VSS\WIN               Read-But SourceSafe admins should have
                          full access

   \VSS\DOS               Read-But SourceSafe admins should have
                          full access 
NOTE: In this scenario, all users will have access to the maintenance utilities (ANALYZE, DDCONV etc.) located in these directories. These may be moved to an alternate location if desired.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbnetwork kbsetup kbSSafe400 kbSSafe500 kbSSafe600 kbSSafe310 kbSSafe311
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,5.0,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: August 18, 1999
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