PRB: Sync Between Visual SourceSafe and VB Is Delayed

ID: Q135357

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Windows NT
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Windows 95
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Windows
  • Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Editions of Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows, 16-bit and 32-bit, version 4.0


SourceSafe commands can be run from either Visual Basic or from the Visual SourceSafe Explorer. When the SourceSafe commands are run in Visual Basic, the Visual SourceSafe Explorer is automatically updated to reflect the changes. However, when the SourceSafe commands are run in the Visual SourceSafe Explorer, Visual Basic is not updated. The Visual Basic errors which result may not reflect the fact that the Visual Basic project status is out of sync.


This synchronization issue is due to a known limitation of the Visual Basic Add-In integration model.


Any time SourceSafe commands are run in the Visual SourceSafe Explorer, which impact a project open in Visual Basic, the user should choose Refresh File Status from the Tools/SourceSafe menu. By refreshing the project file status, Visual Basic is able to get in sync with Visual SourceSafe.

When SourceSafe commands are run in the Visual SourceSafe Explorer, the changes take effect immediately, even though the glyphs in Visual Basic are not updated until the file status is refreshed. For example, if a file is checked out using the Explorer, it can be checked in from Visual Basic without doing a refresh. If the user runs a checkout in the Explorer and then a Get from Visual Basic, the status glyphs are updated in the Visual Basic session. So, the changes are seen in Visual Basic, just not right away.


No fixes are planned at this time.

Additional query words: 4.00 Windows 95 5.00

Keywords : kbSSafe SourceSafe ssvb vbwin
Version : :
Platform : NT WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 26, 2000
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