INFO: Visual Basic and Source Code Control Glyphs

ID: Q136399

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, 32-bit, for Windows versions 4.0, 5.0, 6.0
  • Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Editions of Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows, 16-bit and 32-bit, versions 4.0, 6.0


In Visual Basic, the Project window displays a list of all the form modules, class modules, and standard modules in the project, as well as a single resource file, if one is used in the project. To the left of the file name, is a small icon (called a glyph) which shows the file type. There are different glyphs for forms, classes, modules, and resource files. In addition, if the file is read only, there will be a tiny red padlock on the bottom left hand corner of the VB glyph.

There can be a second glyph to the left of the Visual Basic file glyph. This second glyph only appears if the file is under source code control. The Source Code Control glyphs are the same in Visual SourceSafe as they are in Visual Basic.

NOTE: The forms, classes and modules should only be modified when the red check mark is visible. The red check mark is only visible when you have checked out the file.


The source code control glyphs include the following:

  1. A sheet of paper with the corner folded and a black border indicates that the file is under source code control and currently has read only status.

  2. A sheet of paper with the corner folded and a gray border indicates that the file is under source code control and is currently checked out by another user.

  3. A sheet of paper with a red check mark and a black border indicates that the file is checked out of source code control to you and currently has read/write status.

  4. Multiple sheets of paper with the corner folded and a gray border indicates that the file is under source code control, is currently being shared with another source code control project, and is currently checked out by another user.

  5. Multiple sheets of paper with the corner folded, a red check mark, and black border indicates that the file is under source code control, is currently being shared with another source code control project, and is currently checked out to you.

IMPORTANT: Caution should be advised if the sheet of paper with the corner folded has a black border but neither the tiny padlock nor the red check mark are present. This indicates the file is under source code control, NOT checked out, but has read/write status. Anytime a file is not checked out, it should be marked read-only so you do not accidentally modify the file without it being checked out. To avoid possible problems, either check the file out to edit it or set the read-only flag from the Windows Explorer.

If the Source Code Control Add-in is turned off by clearing the box in the Add-In Manager, all the source code control glyphs disappear. In addition, all the source code control menu items are disabled.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbSSafe400 kbSSafe500 kbSSafe600 kbVBp400 kbVBp600
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: August 17, 1999
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