PRB: "Invalid DOS Path" Error Message

ID: Q155437

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, 16-bit and 32-bit, for Windows, versions 4.0, 5.0


While doing a GET or VIEW from the Show History dialog, a Check In of a large file, or a Difference on a large file, the user gets the following message:

"Invalid DOS path <drive>:<path>"


The Temp_Path setting in the SRCSAFE.INI file is set to an invalid directory.


Edit the SRCSAFE.INI file and change the Temp_Path setting to an existing directory.

If Temp_Path is set to a network drive make sure that the network connection is stable.


This behavior is by design.


The SRCSAFE.INI file has an initialization variable called Temp_Path. This tells Visual SourceSafe where to put its temporary files. If Temp-Path is set to a non-existent location, an error will occur when Visual SourceSafe attempts to access the non-existent location.

Visual SourceSafe will use a temporary directory when any one of the following actions is performed:

  1. Doing a GET of an older version of a file from the Show History dialog that it can't fit into memory. This is more likely to happen with binary files.

  2. Doing a VIEW of an older version of a file from the Show History dialog.

  3. Doing a Check In of a large file that it can't fit into memory. This is more likely to happen with binary files.

  4. Doing a Difference on a large file that it can't fit into memory. This is more likely to happen with binary files.

If the Temp_Path in the SRCSAFE.INI file is invalid, it may corrupt the file when any of the previously-mentioned actions are performed. By default, Temp_Path is set to a directory called "temp" that is created by the server installation. Therefore, this situation should only arise if a user has edited the SRCSAFE.INI file.

Additional query words: 5.00

Keywords : ssafe
Version : 4.00 5.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 17, 1999
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