PRB: Web Root Busy Opening Source-Controlled Web

ID: Q158914

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage version 97


When you try to open a FrontPage web that is under the control of Visual SourceSafe, you may receive the following error message:

Server Error: "Web Root is busy. Please try again."


The most likely cause of this error message is that you have used SourceSafe itself to set up and populate the files in the Web project.


In order to achieve the most thorough integration, use FrontPage to check out, check in, and create files for the SourceSafe project.

To do this, use the appropriate method for your situation:

Method 1

If you have already placed the Web under source control and populated the project with files using SourceSafe Explorer, use the following steps:

  1. Check out every file in your Web project to a local directory. This provides you with a backup copy.

  2. Delete the SourceSafe project.

    NOTE: This does not delete the files in place on the Web server. You also have the checked out local copies as a backup.

  3. Recursively remove the read-only bit on all the Web files. To do this, at the MS-DOS command prompt, type "cd" (without the quotation marks) to position the working directory at the Web content area, and the type the following:
    attrib *.* -R /s

  4. In FrontPage Explorer, open the Web.

  5. On the Tools menu, click Web Settings. In the Source Control Project box, type "$/" (without the quotation marks) and the name of the project you want the files managed under.

    For example, if the project you want to create is named "web," type "$/web" (without the quotation marks) in the Source Control Project box. (It is not necessary for the Source Control Project name to have any relationship to the name of the Web.)

  6. In the Web Settings dialog box, click OK or Apply. FrontPage will populate your Web project with the necessary files.

  7. Use FrontPage to check out, edit, and check in the files.

Method 2

If you have not already placed the Web files under source control, use the following steps:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Web Settings. In the Source Control Project box, type "$/" (without the quotation marks) and the name of the project you want the files managed under.

    For example, if the project you want to create is named "web," type "$/web" (without the quotation marks) in the Source Control Project box. (It is not necessary for the Source Control Project name to have any relationship to the name of the Web.)

  2. In the Web Settings dialog box, click OK or Apply.

    FrontPage will populate your Web project with the necessary files.

  3. Use FrontPage to check out, edit, and check in the files.


FrontPage is designed to act as the front-end for your SourceSafe project. Use FrontPage itself to place the Web files under source control.

Additional query words: 97 vss

Keywords : kbusage fpvss ssint ssfp
Version : 97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 18, 1999
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