PRB: Can Log on to a Locked Visual SourceSafe Database

ID: Q159278

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, 32-bit, for Windows versions 5.0, 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, 16-bit and 32-bit, for Windows, version 4.0a


The Admin utility that ships with Visual SourceSafe version 5.0 allows the Visual SourceSafe administrator to "lock" a database. In theory, when a database is locked, no user can log on to the database. However, because the database format between version 4.0a and 5.0 was not changed and the database locking feature is new to version 5.0, users of Visual SourceSafe Explorer 4.0a can log on to a locked 5.0 database.


Database locking is a new feature in version 5.0, and the Visual SourceSafe Explorer version 4.0a does not check to see if the database is locked.


Upgrade all Visual SourceSafe installations to version 5.0 or above.


This behavior is by design.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Locate a system that has Visual SourceSafe versions 4.0a and 5.0 installed.

  2. Launch the Visual SourceSafe 5.0 Admin utility, and click Lock SourceSafe Database on the Tools menu.

  3. Select the "Lock all users out of Visual SourceSafe" check box, and then click Close.

  4. Close the Admin utility and open the Visual SourceSafe Explorer 5.0.

    NOTE: The following message appears:
    The SourceSafe Database has been locked by the Administrator

  5. Click OK, and then close the Login dialog box.

  6. Open the Srcsafe.ini file for the Visual SourceSafe version 4.0a installation and change the DATA_PATH entry so that it points to the data directory of the Visual SourceSafe 5.0 installation. Save the change, and close the Srcsafe.ini file.

  7. Open Visual SourceSafe Explorer 4.0a. Although the database is locked by the administrator, you can log on to the database.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbSSafe400 kbSSafe500 kbSSafe600
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 13, 1999
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