The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSAn attempt to restore an archive to a location other than where it was archived from causes the SSRESTOR utility to report and only the project structure of the archived files exists in Visual SourceSafe Explorer. CAUSE
You tried to restore an archive that contains earlier versions of projects/files but not the latest versions.
RESOLUTIONArchive and restore the remaining versions of the file or project prior to restoring the archive that contains the earlier versions. Use the rollback function if you only want the earlier versions saved to the new location. STATUSThis behavior is by design. MORE INFORMATIONArchiving with the -v switch is best used to remove old versions of files in order to recover disk space or to make the Show History command work more quickly (because it will have fewer versions to display). To move whole projects to different databases while preserving history, archive and restore the entire project. Steps to Reproduce Behavior
For more information about archiving and restoring projects/files, search using the keywords "archiving" and "restoring" in Visual SourceSafe Administration Help. Q176875 INFO: The Primary Functions of Ssarc.exe and Ssrestor.exe Q176909 HOWTO: Move a VSS Database or Project to New Location Additional query words: kbDSupport archive restore version
Keywords : kbSSafe500 kbSSafe600 |
Last Reviewed: April 23, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |