BUG: QueryInterface Returning E_NOINTERFACE
ID: Q216986
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, 32-bit, for Windows versions 5.0, 6.0
When creating OLE Automation in C that communicates with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS), if the program is created using VSS 5.0 OLE Automation and is then run on a computer that is using VSS 6.0, QueryInterface for versions can fail for the IID_IVSSVersion.
The VSS 6.0 Automation ignores the 5.0 IID_IVSSVersion.
If you have to create code that will run on computers using VSS 5.0 or VSS 6.0, see the following steps.
- Follow the steps in:
HOWTO: Write automation for computers using VSS 5 or VSS 6.
- Create two separate programs and call the correct one based on what version of VSS the computer is using.
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed
at the beginning of this article.
MORE INFORMATIONSteps to Reproduce Behavior
- Follow the steps in:
HOWTO: Open a SourceSafe Database with OLE Automation in C++
- Add the following code at the top of the program:
#include <objbase.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <stdio.h>
- Add the following code where the "// Add code here..." is:
IVSSVersions* pVersions = NULL;
IVSSVersion* pVersion = NULL;
IVSSItem* pItem = NULL;
IUnknown* pEnumerator = NULL;
IEnumVARIANT* pVariant = NULL;
Variant v;
unsigned long actual;
int error, nointerface;
BSTR Root = SysAllocString(L"$/");
pVdb->get_VSSItem(Root, FALSE, &pItem);
pItem->get_Versions(0, &pVersions);
pEnumerator->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumVARIANT, (void **) &pVariant);
pVariant->Next((unsigned long) 1, &v, &actual);
error = v.pdispVal->QueryInterface(IID_IVSSVersion, (void **) &pVersion);
nointerface = MAKEHR(E_NOINTERFACE);
if (error == nointerface)
printf("No Interface Error.\n");
- Compile and run the program. You should get an error number returned from the QueryInterface call with IID_IVSSVersion.
NOTE: This code should be created on a computer with VSS 5.0 and then run on a computer with VSS 6.0. If you want to create and run the program on a VSS 6.0 computer, use IID_IVSSVersionOld instead of IID_IVSSVersion.
Additional query words:
OLE Automation
Keywords : kbAutomation kbSSafe500bug kbSSafe600bug kbDSupport
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug