INFO: Visual Basic Directory List (LONG)

ID: Q169202

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Studio, Enterprise Edition 97


This article gives an overview of the contents in the Visual Basic directory, located on Visual Studio Disc 1. The Visual Basic directory contains three directories:

  • \OS: contains the system files specific to Visual Basic.

  • \Tools: contains the tools and cabinet files for third-party controls shipped with Visual Basic.

  • \VB: contains the files for the Visual Basic development environment.


This section is divided into the three Visual Basic directories. Within each directory section is a list of subdirectories and a description of the contents of that subdirectory.

OS Directory

The OS Directory contains the system files specific to Visual Basic.

\Crystal This directory contains the dll files required by Crystal Reports.

\Fonts This directory contains the TrueType font files required by Visual Basic.

\Help This directory contains Help files on the following topics and controls:
  1. ActiveX Common Help

  2. Common Controls

  3. Common Dialog Control

  4. DBGrid Control

  5. DBList Control

  6. Internet Transfer Control

  7. MAPISession Control

  8. Masked Edit Control

  9. MS Chart Object

  10. MSComm Control

  11. MSFlexGrid Control

  12. Multimedia MCI Control

  13. PictureClip Control

  14. Remote Data Control

  15. Rich Text Box Control

  16. SSTab Control

  17. SysInfo Control

  18. Visual Basic 5 Definitions

  19. Visual Basic, Applications Edition (VBA)

  20. Winsock Control
\MSapps This directory contains the DAO 3.5 systems files and the Microsoft Systems Information program.

\Shellnew This directory contains VB50.vbp project file that Windows Explorer uses to create a new initialized Standard .exe project file for Visual Basic. When you double-click the copy of this file, Visual Basic starts without requiring additional user input.

\System This directory contains the control, dependency, and system files for Visual Basic. This directory also has the following utilities:
  • Automation Manager: used with Remote Automation.

  • Microsoft Query: program used to easily create SQL queries.

  • ODBC Data Source Administrator: program used to connect to ODBC databases.

  • Regsvr32.exe: utility used to register files in the system registry.

Tools Directory

The Tools directory contains tools and utilities that ship with Visual Basic and the Service Pack 5 for Windows NT 3.51.

\Aperedis This directory contains the setup files for all versions of the Application Performance Explorer (APE). The source code for the APE is in the Vb\Samples\CliSrv\Ape\Src directory of Visual Studio Disc 1.

\Cabinets This directory contains the cabinet files (.cab) for controls.

\Catalog This directory contains an online catalog of third party products you can use with Visual Basic. The catalog can be viewed on a web browser by opening the file index.htm.

\Controls This directory contains all of the ActiveX Controls that shipped with Visual Basic 4.0 Professional and Enterprise Editions, which are no longer shipped with Visual Basic 5.0.
  • 3D controls (Threed32.ocx)

  • Animated Button (AniBtn32.ocx)

  • Gauge(Gauge32.ocx)

  • Graph (Graph32.ocx)

  • Grid Control (Grid32.ocx)

  • Key Status (KeySta32.ocx)

  • Outline (MSOutl32.ocx)

  • Spin Button (Spin32.ocx)
For more information about these controls see the file readme.txt in this directory.

\Datatool This directory contains the Microsoft Visual Database Tools setup program that installs the following tools on your system:
  • Database Designer: graphically represents the database tables and their relationships.

  • Query Designer: a visual tool to build SQL statements that retrieves data or modifies the contents of the tables.
You can access the Visual Database Tools from the Visual Basic development environment while connected to databases. For more information about the Visual Database Tools, see the readme.wri file in this directory.

\Docs This directory contains the following documents:
  • Deploying Controls on the Web (Compdown.doc 918Kb)

  • Notes for Developing Dlls for use with Microsoft Visual Basic (Vb5dll.doc 109Kb)
The complete Visual Basic product documentation is available through Books Online.

\Lpk_tool This directory contains Lpk_tool, a program to author a license package file for the run-time licenses of controls you create. For more information about this tool, see the help file or readme.txt in this directory.

\Nt351sp5.a This directory contains the Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 Workstation and Server U.S. Service Pack 5. For more information about this service pack, see the readme.txt file in this directory.

\Odbcspy This directory contains the utility ODBC Spy. This utility allows you to log the ODBC API calls produced by your Visual Basic application. For more information about ODBC Spy, see the help file or the readme.txt file in this directory.

\Olemsg This directory contains the following files and directory about OLE Messaging:
  • Olemsg.hlp is a Windows Help file that documents the entire OLE Messaging library. The file includes complete reference information, a programmer's guide, and many brief code examples.

  • Olemsg.xls is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains all the sample source code that appears in the OLE Messaging documentation. There are no complete sample programs, but many short routines illustrating how to use various OLE messaging features.

  • Timecard.cli is a directory containing a complete OLE Messaging sample application, written for Visual Basic. There is a server program that maintains a list of users and summarizes their timecard reports, and a client program that is used to fill out a timecard. Refer to readme.txt in this directory for more details.
\Pspy This directory contains the files for the Process Viewer program. Process Viewer performs the following:
  • Find where Dlls are located in memory.

  • Identify the versions of all Dlls that your program is using.

  • Provide information on the Working Set of a process.
For more information, see the readme.txt in this directory.

\Regutils This directory contains the following tools used for registering in process OLE servers:
  • Regsvr32.exe: use to register and unregister in-process servers.

  • Regocx32.exe: a program specifically designed for use by setup programs to install OCX files.

  • Regit.exe: command-line utility that you can use to register one or more in-process servers.
For more information, see the readme.txt file in this directory.

\Repostry This directory contains the source code for sample applications that demonstrate how to write code that uses the repository. There is a Browser sample and a File System sample. For more information about these samples, see the file, Samples.wri.

\Stoolkit This directory contains the localized versions of Setup.exe for the Setup Tool kit. You can easily distribute fully localized setups for different languages by including the appropriate Setup.exe.

\Tsql This directory contains the files necessary to enable the Transact-SQL Debugging feature on a Microsoft SQL Server. These files allow you to debug stored procedures on a SQL server.

\Unsupprt This directory contains several Visual Basic samples that are not supported by Microsoft.

\Xtnsblty This directory contains the file vbide.h.

VB Directory

The VB Directory contains the files for the Visual Basic development environment.

\CliSvr This directory contains the executable files for the following programs:

  • Application Performance Explorer: utility written in Microsoft Visual Basic to aid in the design, deployment planning, and performance- tuning of distributed client/server applications. The setup program for this utility is located in the Os\Aperedis directory of the Visual Studio Disc 1. The source code is stored in the Vb\Samples\CliSrv\Ape\Src directory of Visual Studio Disc 1. For more information about the Application Performance Explorer, see the Books Online.

  • Microsoft Client Remote Server Registration Utility: used on the client machine to register an ActiveX component for remote execution. For more information, query Client Registration Utility on the Books Online.

  • Remote Automation Connection Manager: a utility used to switch the registration of an ActiveX component from local to remote. For more information, see the Books Online.
\Graphics This directory contains a collection of graphic files that can be used in a Visual Basic project, such as .Avi files, bitmaps, cursors, icons, and metafiles.

\Help This directory contains help files on the following topics:
  1. ActiveX Control Wizard

  2. ActiveX Document Migration Wizard

  3. Application Wizard

  4. Bidirectional Features

  5. Class Builder Utility

  6. Crystal Reports for Visual Basic

  7. Data Access Objects Help

  8. Data Form Wizard

  9. Jet Error Message Reference

  10. Jet SQL Reference

  11. Microsoft Developer Technical Support

  12. Property Page Wizard

  13. Repository Add-in Reference

  14. Repository Reference

  15. Setup Wizard

  16. Visual Basic 5 Help

  17. Visual Basic Enterprise Utilities

  18. Visual Basic for Applications

  19. Visual Basic Language Reference

  20. Visual SourceSafe

  21. Visual SourceSafe Administrator

  22. Wizard Manager
\Odbc This directory contains the files that allow you to redistribute ODBC and the ODBC drivers that ship in Visual Basic 5.0 with your application. The Visual Basic 5.0 Setup Wizard does not support the setup and distribution ODBC or the ODBC drivers found on your computer. For more information see the file readme.txt in this directory.

\Report This directory contains the executable, system, and help files for Crystal Reports.

\Repostry This directory contains all the files for the Microsoft Repository. For more information, see the Readme.wri file in this directory.

\Samples This directory contains the sample files shipped with Visual Basic. For more information about the samples, see the file Samples.hlp in this directory. This file is a help file that documents the samples.

\Setup This directory contains the setup program to install Visual Basic on a system. To install Visual Basic, run the file Setup.exe.

\Setupkit This directory contains the Setup Wizard files used to create an installation program for your Visual Basic program.

\Templates This directory contains the templates for common application components such as an About Dialog Box and a Splash Screen. For more information about these templates, query templates on the Books Online.

\Tsql This directory contains the file Vbsdicli.exe. This file is used with the T- SQL Debugger. For more information, see the Books Online.

\Vbonline This directory contains the Books Online files.

\Winapi This directory contains the following text files for use with the API text viewer:
  • Apiload.txt: explains the API viewer.

  • Mapi32.txt: MAPI32 API declarations for Visual Basic.

  • Win32api.txt: Win32 API Declarations for Visual Basic.
\Wizards This directory contains the templates to create Wizards in Visual Basic.

Additional query words: Windows Sockets Communications MAPI Sessions

Keywords : VBKBInfo
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: June 11, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.