INFO: Windows Registry Resources

ID: Q173014

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 97
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, version 5.0


This article lists resources for the Windows 95 and the Windows NT 4.0 registry.

NOTE: Editing your registry entries could result in permanently disabling your operating system. Before editing the registry you should first backup the registry files. With Windows 95, you should make copies of System.dat and User.dat, both of which are hidden files in the Windows folder. With Windows NT, you should create an updated Emergency Repair Disk.


The following are resources for editing and modifying the Windows registries. Titles listed in this article do not constitute an endorsement by Microsoft.

Visual Basic and the Registry

Title:     Hacking the Registry
Author:    Keith Pleas
Publisher: Visual Basic Programmers Journal, March 1996

Windows 95 Registry

Title:     Microsoft Windows 95 Resource Kit: The Technical Guide to
           Planning for, Installing, Configuring, and Supporting Windows 95
           in Your Organization
Author:    Microsoft Corporation
Publisher: Microsoft Press
ISBN:      1556156782

Title:     Inside the Registry for Microsoft Windows 95
           (Microsoft Programming Series)
Author:    Guenter Born and Gunter Born
Publisher: Microsoft Press
ISBN:      1572314249

Title:     Inside the Windows 95 Registry
Author:    Ron Petrusha, Andrew Schulman
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
ISBN:      1565921704

Title:     Using the Windows 95 Registry: Special Edition
Author:    Jerry Honeycutt
Publisher  Que Corp
ISBN:      0789707853

Title:     The Windows 95 Registry: A Survival Guide for Users
Author:    John Woram
Publisher: MIS Press
ISBN:      155828494X

Title:     Windows 95 Registry Troubleshooting
Author:    Rob Tidrow
Publisher: New Riders Publishing
ISBN:      1562055569

Title:     Special Edition Using Windows NT 4.0 & 95 Registry
Author:    Jerry Honeycutt
Publisher: Que Corp
ISBN:      0789712725

Windows NT 4.0 Registry

Title:     Microsoft Windows NT Server Resource Kit Version 4.0
           Supplement 1 & 2
Author:    Microsoft Corporation
Publisher: Microsoft Press
ISBN:      1572315598 and 1572316268

Title:     Windows NT Registry Guide
Author:    Weiying Chen, Wayne Berry
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Pub Co
ISBN:      0201694735

Title:     Windows NT Registry Troubleshooting
Authors:   Rob Tidrow and Mark Blackham
Publisher: New Riders Publishing
ISBN:      1562056603

Title:     1001 Windows NT Registry Secrets, with CD
Authors:   Tim Daniels
Publisher: Duke Communications
ISBN:      1882419685

Title:     Windows NT 4 Registry Unleashed
Author:    Sams Development Group
Publisher: Sams
ISBN:      0672309858

Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 Registries

Title:     Troubleshooting and Configuring the Windows NT/95 Registry
Author:    Clayton Johnson
Publisher: Sams
ISBN:      067231066X

Title:     Windows 95 and NT 4.0 Registry & Customization Handbook
Authors:   Jerry Honeycutt, Bernard Farrell, Rich Kennelly, Jerry Millsaps
Publisher: Que Corp
ISBN:      0789708426


Title:     Back Office Registry Professional Reference:
           Add-Ons Work-Arounds for Windows NT, Internet Information
           Server, Microsoft Exchange, SQL Server, SNA Server
Author:    Steven B. Thomas
Publisher: Computing McGraw-Hill
ISBN:      007913655 

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: April 13, 1999
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