DOC: Restart Computer When Changing Security Settings

ID: Q240901

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Studio, Enterprise Edition 6.0


The MSDN Library Visual Studio Analyzer topics "Configuring Security for Visual Studio Analyzer on Windows NT" and "Configuring Security for Visual Studio Analyzer on Windows 95" do not include restarting the computer (reboot) as a final step. Without restarting the computer, the security setting do not take effect.


Changing the security settings for Visual Studio Analyzer requires that the affected components be restarted in order to take the new settings. These components can be the IDE (Devenv.exe, which hosts the Master Event Collector), the Local Event Concentrator (Valec.exe), and the Inproc Event Creators (any component capable of generating Visual Studio Analyzer events). The safest way to guarantee that the new security settings take effect is to restart the computer.


MSDN Library

Visual Studio 6.0 Documentation; Visual Studio Documentation; Component, Design and Analysis Tools; Visual Studio Analyzer Reference; Visual Studio Analyzer Common Tasks; Configuring Security for Visual Studio Analyzer on Windows 95.

Visual Studio 6.0 Documentation; Visual Studio Documentation; Component, Design and Analysis Tools; Visual Studio Analyzer Reference; Visual Studio Analyzer Common Tasks; Configuring Security for Visual Studio Analyzer on Windows NT.

Visual Studio 6.0 Documentation; Visual C++ Documentation; Reference; Microsoft Foundation Class Library and Templates; Active Template Library; Articles; ATL Services; DCOMCNFG.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbdocerr kbEEdition kbVisAnalyzer kbVS600 kbDSupport kbGrpDSTools
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: November 10, 1999
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