The information in this article applies to:
OLE is a set of implemented services, mechanisms to customize these
services, and mechanisms to install custom services according to various
protocols. Every OLE API function and every currently-defined interface
(that is, those found in shipping OLE technologies) have a purpose in this
framework. Listed below are API functions and interfaces along with their
purposes, categorized in the following functional groups:
MORE INFORMATIONThe following list helps illustrate why the various APIs and interfaces exist and includes the following information: Functions: <List of OLE API Functions and Interfaces>NOTE: The collection of functions in the OLE UI library is not included at this time. Some recently-added interfaces are also missing. GENERALFunctions: lUnknownPurpose: Control of object lifetime, interface negotiation. Ubiquitous for any component regardless of implementation. QueryInterface exposes incoming interfaces. Functions: IEnum Purpose: Enumeration of various types of lists. Used in many cases throughout OLE. Functions: IProvideClassInfo Purpose: Expose the type information about an object's incoming and outgoing interfaces. Functions: IConnectionPointContainer, IEnumConnectionPoints, IConnectionPoint, IEnumConnections Purpose: Expose an object's outgoing interfaces. Initialization and Memory ManagementFunctions: CoBuildVersion, OleBuildVersionPurpose: Check OLE library version numbers. Functions: IMalloc Purpose: Task memory allocation. Functions: CoInitialize, CoUninitialize, OleInitialize, OleUninitialize Purpose: Initialize/Uninitialize COM/OLE libraries and installs an OLE- provided task allocator (most OLE implementations also allow installation of a custom allocator). Functions: CoCreateStandardMalloc Purpose: Access standard task memory allocator. Functions: CoGetMalloc Purpose: Access currently installed task allocator. RemotingFunctions: IExternalConnectionPurpose: Notification - connection/disconnection from remote process. Functions: CoLockObjectExternal Purpose: Lock a remote object implementation. Functions: CoDisconnectObject Purpose: Forcibly disconnect any remote connections. Functions: IMarshal Purpose: Standard marshaling (OLE impl); custom marshaling (custom impl). Functions: CoGetStandardMarshal Purpose: Access standard implementation of IMarshal. Functions: IStdMarshalInfo Purpose: Support for Custom Interfaces. Functions: CoMarshalHresult, CoUnmarshalHresult, CoMarshalInterface, CoUnmarshalInterface, CoReleaseMarshalData Purpose: Helpers for marshaling both standard and custom. CoMarshalInterface, for example, is always called whenever any object needs to create the server-side remoting support for an interface pointer to a new object. CoUnmarshalInterface creates the client side to match. Functions: CoIsHandlerConnected Purpose: Helper to determine if an in-process component is connected to a remote process. Functions: Custom Interface Purpose: Installs a custom IMessageFilter implementation. Functions: IMessageFilter Purpose: Helper functions for OLE 1 container document compatibility. Functions: CoRegisterMessageFilter Purpose: Concurrency management handling interface. A default implementation is always installed when remoting occurs. Custom ServicesFunctions: CoCreateInstancePurpose: Access custom component implementation given a CLSID. Functions: IClassFactory[2] Purpose: Creation of custom component based on CLSID. Functions: CoGetClassObject Purpose: Access custom class factory implementation given a CLSID. Functions: DllGetClassObject Purpose: Expose a custom class factory implementation from a DLL. Functions: CoRegisterClassObject, CoRevokeClassObject Purpose: Install/remove a custom class factory implementation. Service RegistrationFunctions: CoCreateGuid, IsEqualGUID, IsEqualIID, IsEqualCLSIDPurpose: Helper for creation and comparison of GUIDs. Functions: DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer Purpose: Expose self-registration functionality from a DLL server module. Functions: CoGetTreatAsClass, CoTreatAsClass, OleDoAutoConvert, OleGetAutoConvert, OleSetAutoConvert, GetConvertStg, SetConvertStg Purpose: Conversion/Emulation manipulation (only customization is registry information that describes which classes are interchangeable). DLL Server ManagementFunctions: DllCanUnloadNowPurpose: Control DLL server unloading. Functions: CoLoadLibrary, CoFreeLibrary, CoFreeAllLibraries, CoFreeUnusedLibraries Purpose: Load and unload in-process server modules. Miscellaneous COM FunctionsFunctions: CLSIDFrom[ProgID | String], [ProgID | String]FromCLSID, IIDFromString, StringFromIID, StringFromGUID2Purpose: Helper functions for conversion between GUIDs, strings, and ProgIDs. Functions: CoGetCurrentProcess Purpose: Miscellaneous helper. Functions: CoDosDateTimeToFileTime, CoFileTimeToDosDateTime, CoFileTimeNow Purpose: Miscellaneous helper functions for date/time conversion. (More appropriate to be a Win32 API). Functions: IsValidIid, IsValidInterface, IdValidPtrIn, IsValidPtrOut Purpose: Miscellaneous validation functions (16-bit only). Naming (Monikers)Functions: IMonikerPurpose: Exposes moniker functionality. OLE provides five moniker implementations (five different classes). Custom implementations can be exposed via object creation functions or custom API. Functions: BindMoniker Purpose: Wrapper for IMoniker::BindToObject. Functions: CreateFileMoniker, CreateItemMoniker, CreateAntiMoniker, CreatePointerMoniker, CreateGenericComposite Purpose: Access OLE standard moniker implementations. Functions: IParseDisplayName Purpose: Implemented on a custom object to parse a user-readable display name into a moniker object, standard or custom. Functions: IOleContainer, IOleItemContainer Purpose: While generally related to OLE Documents, these interfaces are implemented on an object that contains items and is necessary to bind item monikers. Functions: IBindCtx Purpose: Implemented on the OLE standard "bind context" object. Functions: CreateBindCtx Purpose: Instantiates a bind context object returning an IBindCtx pointer. Functions: IRunningObjectTable Purpose: Exposed from the OLE implemented "running object table" service. No customizations. Functions: GetRunningObjectTable Purpose: Access the running object table. Functions: MkParseDisplayName Purpose: Converts a string into a moniker which includes the intelligence to determine whose implementation of IParseDisplayName to use. Functions: MonikerRelativePathTo, MonikerCommonPrefixWith Purpose: Helpers to manipulate file monikers to create absolute and relative paths using IMoniker::RelativePathTo and IMoniker::CommonPrefixWith. Structured StorageFunctions: IStoragePurpose: Expose storage object functionality (directory). Functions: IStream Purpose: Expose stream object functionality (files). Functions: IRootStorage Purpose: Control underlying file attached to an IStorage in a Compound File. Functions: ILockBytes Purpose: Customize underlying storage medium in a Compound File. Functions: StgCreateDocfile, StgOpenStorage Purpose: Create or open OLE's Compound File (IStorage/IRootStorage) implementation using default file-based ILockBytes implementation. Functions: StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes, StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes Purpose: Create or open OLE's Compound File (IStorage/IRootStorage) implementation using a custom ILockBytes implementation. Functions: StgIsStorageFile, StgIsStorageILockBytes Purpose: Checks if a file is a Compound File with the default implementation of ILockBytes or a custom implementation. Functions: CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal, GetHGlobalFromILockBytes Purpose: Access memory-based ILockBytes implementation. Functions: CreateStreamOnHGlobal, GetHGlobalFromStream. Purpose: Access memory-based IStream implementation. Functions: [Read | Write]Class[Stg | Stm], [Read | Write]FmtUserTypeStg, GetClassFile Purpose: Retrieve or save CLSID, data format, and user type information to a storage or stream. Functions: StgSetTimes Purpose: Helper function to manipulate Compound File timestamp. Persistent ObjectsFunctions: IPersist, IPersistFile, IPersist-Storage, IPersistStream[Init]Purpose: Expose from a persistent object based on storage model: file- based, IStorage-based, IStream-based (with or without initialization). Notification/EventsFunctions: IAdviseSink[2]Purpose: Receive notifications of data change, view change, compound document object changes. Functions: IPropertyNotifySink Purpose: Receive notifications of property changes and control overridable changes. Functions: Events sets Purpose: Interfaces defined by an object, implemented by an outside event sink. Uniform Data TransferFunctions: IDataObject, (IAdviseSink), IEnumFORMATETCPurpose: Expose ability to exchange formatted data structures and notify an advise sink of data changes. Functions: OleDuplicateData Purpose: Helper function for copying data structures. Functions: ReleaseStgMedium Purpose: Helper to free data structures. Viewable ObjectsFunctions: IViewObject[2], (IAdviseSink)Purpose: Expose ability to draw visual presentations to device contexts and notify an advise sink of view changes. Functions: OleDraw Purpose: Simple wrapper around IViewObject::Draw. Functions: OleGetIconOfFile, OleMetafilePictFromIconAnd-Label, OleGetIconOfClass Purpose: Helper function for manipulation of iconic views of objects. Functions: OleTranslateColor Purpose: Helper to translates between COLORREF and OLE_COLOR types. Standard TypesFunctions: IFont, IFontDispPurpose: Exposes standard font object implementation (OLE Controls). Functions: OleCreateFontIndirect Purpose: Accesses standard font object implementation. Functions: IPicture, IPictureDisp Purpose: Exposes standard picture object implementation (OLE Controls). Functions: OleCreatePictureIndirect Purpose: Accesses standard picture object implementation. Functions: OleLoadPicture Purpose: Creates a picture object from stream information. Functions: OleIconToCursor Purpose: Helper function to turn an icon into a cursor for simple Win32 API based drag-and-drop (not OLE drag & drop). > OLE ClipboardFunctions: OleSetClipboard, OleGetClipboard, OleFlushClipboard, OleIsCurrentClipboardPurpose: API for clipboard handling service via IDataObject. No customization except for whatever IDataObject implementation is involved. OLE Drag and DropFunctions: IDropSourcePurpose: Exposes source-side functionality in a drag & drop operation. Functions: IDropTarget Purpose: Exposes target-side functionality in a drag & drop operation. Functions: DoDragDrop Purpose: Installs IDropSource (and IDataObject) implementations to begin a drag & drop operation. Functions: RegisterDragDrop, RevokeDragDrop Purpose: Installs/uninstalls a drop target implementation. Drop target is exposed to DoDragDrop only. Type LibrariesFunctions: ITypeLib, ITypeInfoPurpose: Standard OLE implementations to navigate through a type library structure. Functions: ITypeComp Purpose: Standard OLE implementation to bind to interface functions defined in a type library in a much more efficient manner, useful for compilers. Functions: LHashValOfName[Sys] Purpose: Create a hash value used in ITypeComp functions. Functions: LoadTypeLib, LoadRegTypeLib, LoadTypeLibFromResource, RegisterTypeLib, QueryPathOfRegTypeLib Purpose: Helpers for registering and loading a type library. Loading a type library means instantiating the type library object with ITypeLib on it. In other words, Load[Reg]TypeLib[FromResource] accesses the standard ITypeLib implementation. Functions: CreateTypeLib Purpose: Creates a brand new type library (as opposed to loading an existing one). The type library implements ICreateTypeLib. Generally used from type library compilers. Functions: ICreateTypeLib, ICreateTypeInfo Purpose: Implementations in OLE for creating a type library. Used from type library compilers. Functions: CreateDispTypeInfo Purpose: Creates an type information object with ITypeInfo based on INTERFACEDATA structures. Functions: CompareStringA, LCMap-StringA, GetLocaleInfoA, Get-StringTypeA, GetSystemDefault-[LangID | LCID], GetUser-Default[LangID | LCID] Purpose: Helper functions for working with locale-specific information in OLE Automation. These are primarily for Win16 platforms as the same functions are part of the standard Win32 API. OLE AutomationFunctions: IDispatch, IEnumVARIANTPurpose: Expose methods and properties through a dispatch (DISPID) mechanism as well as "collections." Functions: CreateStdDispatch Purpose: Installs a custom interface into a standard IDispatch implementation. In other words, accesses a standard IDispatch that internally depends on a custom interface implementation. Functions: DispGetIDOfNames, DispGetParams, DispInvoke Purpose: Helper functions for direct implementations or uses of IDispatch. Functions: RegisterActiveObject, RevokeActiveObject, GetActiveObject Purpose: Helper functions to register automation objects as running and access running object. Basically wrappers around the running object table. Functions: SafeArray- AccessData, AllocData, AllocDescriptor, Copy, Create, Destroy, DestroyData, DestroyDescriptor, GetDim, GetElement, GetElemSize, GetLBound, GetUBound, Lock, PutElement, Redim, UnAccessData, Unlock Purpose: Helper functions for manipulating arrays passed through IDispatch. Functions: Sys- AllocString, AllocStringLen, FreeString, ReAllocString, ReAllocStringLen, StringLen Purpose: Helper functions to manipulate BSTR types. Functions: Variant- ChangeType[Ex], Clear, Copy, CopyInf, Init, TimeToDosDateTime; (DosDateTimeToVarantTime) Purpose: Helper functions to manipulate variables passed in VARIANT structures, such as type conversion and duplication. OLE Property PagesFunctions: OleCreatePropertyFrame-[Indirect]Purpose: Access standard implementation of a property page frame that implements IPropertyPageSite. Functions: IPropertyPageSite Purpose: Expose capability as a property page frame. Functions: ISpecifyPropertyPages Purpose: Expose CLSIDs of an object's property pages (which are separate objects). Functions: IPropertyPage[2] Purpose: Expose property page functionality. Functions: IPerPropertyBrowsing Purpose: Expose the ability to manipulate individual properties. OLE Documents: GeneralFunctions: OleRegGetUserType, OleRegGetMiscStatus, OleRegEnumFormatEtc, OleRegEnumVerbsPurpose: Helper functions for default registry handling (OLE Documents, mostly). Functions: IRunnableObject Purpose: Notifications of when an object is going between loaded and running. Functions: OleIsRunning, OleLockRunning, OleRun, OleNoteObjectVisible, OleSetContainedObject Purpose: Helpers for control of running objects in compound documents. Most of these functions call IRunnableObject members. Functions: IOleAdviseHolder Purpose: Helper functions for managing IAdviseSink pointers from within a compound document object implementation. Functions: CreateOleAdviseHolder Purpose: Access OLE implementation of IOleAdviseHolder object. No customization. Functions: OleLoad, OleLoadFromStream, OleSave, OleSaveToStream Purpose: Functions to load and save compound document objects in IStorage or IStream instances. Wrappers for IPersistStorage and IPersistStream calls. Functions: OleCreateStaticFromData Purpose: Access OLE implementation of a static object. OLE Documents: Handlers and CachingFunctions: OleCreateDefaultHandler, OleCreateEmbeddingHelperPurpose: Access OLE implementation of default handler or "embedding helper" (a cut-rate default handler for same-process objects). Functions: IOleCache[2] Purpose: Implemented by default provided by OLE, in-process handlers and servers in compound document uses can customize. Functions: CreateDataCache Purpose: Access OLE's data cache implementation (service). Cache object implements a number of interfaces including IOleCache[2], IOleCacheControl, IDataObject, IViewObject[2], and IPersistStorage. Functions: IOleCacheControl Purpose: Implemented in OLE's default handler to access remote server's IDataObject implementation. Used in OLE Documents. OLE Documents: EmbeddingFunctions: IOleObjectPurpose: Expose compound document object functionality. Functions: IOleClientSite Purpose: Provide container-side information and functions to compound document objects. Functions: OleCreate, OleCreate-FromData, OleCreateFromFile; OleQueryCreateFromData Purpose: Access custom implementations of embedded compound document objects depending on where the source information exists). OleQueryCreate-FromData checks if OleCreateFromData will work. OLE Documents: LinkingFunctions: IOleLinkPurpose: Expose from in-process implementations of linked compound document objects (usually taken from OLE's default handler). Functions: OleCreateLink, OleCreateLinkFromData, OleCreateLinkToFile; OleQueryCreateLinkFromData Purpose: Access custom implementations of linked compound document objects depending on where the source information exists). OleQueryCreate-LinkFromDat a checks if OleCreateLinkFromData will work. Functions: IOleContainer, IOleItemContainer Purpose: Enumerate objects within a generic container (usually compound document container, but not necessarily). IOleItemContainer supports the additional step of binding an item moniker. OLE Documents: In-Place ActivationFunctions: IOleInPlaceObject, IOleInPlaceActiveObjectPurpose: Expose object-side functionality for in-place activation support (interfaces derive from IOleWindow). Functions: IOleInPlaceFrame, IOleInPlaceUIWindow, IOleInPlaceSite Purpose: Expose container-side functionality for in-place activation support (interfaces derive from IOleWindow). Functions: OleCreateMenuDescriptor, OleDestroyMenuDescriptor, OleSetMenuDescriptor, OleTranslateAccelerator Purpose: OLE-provided helper functions for in-place activation. OLE Documents: OLE 1 CompatibilityFunctions: CoIsOle1ClassPurpose: Helper to check if a class is an OLE 1 compound document object. Functions: OleConvertIStorageToOLE-STREAM[Ex], OleConvertOLE-STREAMToIStorage[Ex] Purpose: Helper functions for a container providing compatibility with OLE 1 compound documents. OLE ControlsFunctions: IOleControlPurpose: Expose OLE Control specifics to a container dealing with keyboard mnemonics and ambient property changes. Functions: IOleControlSite Purpose: Expose OLE Control Container specifics to an OLE Control. Functions: ISimpleFrameSite Purpose: Expose an OLE Control that is merely a visual frame around a set of other controls that filters messages going to the controls within it to provide group behavior for a set of controls (like radio buttons). Additional query words: 1.00 2.00 wfwg win
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Last Reviewed: October 1, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |