Disabling Save Password Option in Dial-Up Networking

ID: Q172430

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server


When you dial a phonebook entry in Dial-Up Networking (DUN), you can use the "Save Password" option so that your DUN password is cached and you will not need to enter it on successive dial attempts. For security, administrators may want to prevent users from caching passwords.


WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious, system-wide problems that may require you to reinstall Windows NT to correct them. Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting from the use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use this tool at your own risk.

To disable this password caching feature for DUN, perform the following steps:

  1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) and select the following subkey:

  2. From the Edit menu, click Add Value, and type the following information:
       Value Name: DisableSavePassword
       Value Type: REG_DWORD
       Value Data: 1 

Now you will no longer have the "Save Password" option available to save your Dial-Up Networking passwords. If you previously had passwords saved in your phonebook entries, you will no longer be able to use them and you will now need to enter a password every time you dial.

Additional query words: dial-up ras

Keywords : ntras kbhowto nthowto ntnetserv kbinfo ntregistry NTSrvWkst
Version : WINDOWS:2000; winnt:4.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbhowto kbinfo

Last Reviewed: January 21, 2000
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