Microsoft Cluster Server Hardware Compatibility List and Testing

ID: Q224971

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Cluster Server, included with:
    • Microsoft Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server


Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition, contains Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS). Cluster Server allows the creation of a shared SCSI bus that is formed by two computers with a PCI-based SCSI controller installed in each computer. The product requires that the SCSI adapters and their connected devices support operating in a multiple-initiator/multiple-adapter environment through a shared SCSI bus using standard "off-the-shelf" hardware. Some vendor configurations may use proprietary hardware and driver sets. Either hardware implementation requires complete interoperability of the attached components and extensive compatibility testing.

The most important criterion for cluster server hardware is that it be listed on the Microsoft Cluster Server Hardware Compatibility List, indicating that it has passed the Cluster Hardware Compatibility test.

Microsoft supports Cluster Server only when it is used on a validated, listed cluster configuration. Validation is available only for complete configurations that are tested together, not on individual components.


For a listing of approved complete systems, see the following Microsoft Web site:
Query on the "Cluster" category. This category lists complete systems that have attained certification. There are other categories available that list approved components, although assembly of approved components does not make a system compatible. The complete configuration with all components installed must be certified as a complete solution.

The Microsoft Cluster Hardware Compatibility test and Device Qualification program for storage devices is available by downloading or obtaining the test kit. To do so, visit the following Microsoft Web site and click Cluster Server:
A prerequisite for the Cluster Device Qualification program is that your storage product is already qualified under the "Designed for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 95 Logo Program" that is governed by the PC 97 Hardware Design Guide specification. Review the information on the following Microsoft Web site and click Test Kits & FAQs:
Review the appropriate pretest instruction documents for your product. Submission procedures and requirements are also contained in these documents.

Additional query words: HCT

Keywords : kbhw
Version : WINDOWS:2000; winnt:4.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: December 29, 1999
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