How to Distribute Terminal Services Client Using Active Directory

ID: Q236573

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server


This article describes how to distribute the Windows Terminal Services client within an enterprise by using a group policy in Active Directory.

NOTE: This article relies on the environment prerequisites and key terms and concepts described in the "Using WinINSTALL LE to Repackage Applications for the Windows Installer Walkthrough" technical walkthrough. You can obtain this technical walkthrough from Microsoft TechNet and on the Internet at the following Microsoft Web site:
For more information about group policies, please refer to the "Group Policy Walkthrough" technical walkthrough. You can obtain this technical walkthrough from TechNet and on the Internet at the following Microsoft Web site:


There are six basic tasks for Active Directory deployment of the Terminal Services client:

  1. Prepare for package creation.

  2. Create the installation package.

  3. Terminal Services client installation.

  4. Post-package creation.

  5. Group policy creation.

  6. Package application.

These steps are described in detail below.
  1. Prepare for package creation:

    1. Create a network share on which the installation files will reside. This share should remain available for as long as the Terminal Services client is installed.

    2. Copy the Terminal Services client installation files from \\<SystemRoot>\System32\Clients\Tsclient\Net\Win32 (or Win32a for Alpha-based computers) to a folder in the share.

  2. Create the installation package:

    1. On the reference workstation, start the Discovery tool (Discoz.exe) by typing the UNC path (or locate it in Network Neighborhood).

      NOTE: As stated in the technical walkthrough, do not map a drive to the folder that contains Discoz.exe.

    2. When the WinINSTALL Discover program starts, specify the application name as "Terminal Services Client." Click the "..." button and locate the installation share point. For the file name, type TSClient, and then click Open. Verify that the operating system type is set to 32-Bit Windows, and then click Next.

    3. Specify a temporary work folder on a hard disk with adequate space, and then click Next.

    4. Select the drive on which the Terminal Services client will reside, and then click Add. It will appear on the "Drives to Scan" list. Click Next.

    5. Accept the default file exclusion list by clicking Next.

    6. The WinINSTALL Discover program displays a completion message when the "Before" snapshot is completed. Click OK, type the UNC path to the network share that contains the installation files for the Terminal Services client, and begin installation by running Setup.exe.

  3. Terminal Services client installation:

    1. When the Setup program starts, Click Continue.

    2. Type the default name and organization information, and then click OK. Confirm that the information is correct, and then click OK.

    3. Click I Agree to accept the License Agreement terms.

    4. Verify that the installation path resides on the drive that you selected in step 2d. Change the installation path to the drive selected in step 2d if necessary. Click the large button to begin installation.

    5. Terminal Services Client Setup prompts you to apply the initial settings to all users of the computer. Click Yes.

    6. When Terminal Services Client Setup notifies you that the installation completed successfully, click OK.

    NOTE: If any errors are encountered, quit the Setup program and run the WinINSTALL Discover program again, repeating step 2.

  4. Post-package creation:

    1. When the installation is completed, start the Discovery program again using the UNC path (or locate it in Network Neighborhood). Click Next to begin the "After" snapshot.

    2. Once the "Conversion Successful" notification appears, the Discover program may display warnings. These may not necessarily be problems with the installation itself. Click OK.

    3. Click OK to acknowledge that the "After" snapshot is complete. The .msi file and associated files are created in the network share that contains the Terminal Services client installation files. Do not delete any of these files or folders.

  5. Group policy creation:

    1. Start the Active Directory Users and Computers administration console on the server.

    2. Create or locate the appropriate Organizational Unit (OU) within which you want to deploy the Terminal Services client. Populate the OU with the appropriate users, groups, and/or computers.

    3. Right-click the container, and then click Properties.

    4. Click the Group Policy tab, and then click New. Name the new policy "Terminal Services Client Distribution," and then click Edit. Group Policy Manager starts.

    5. Click the appropriate policy object depending on your deployment strategy. If you want to distribute the Terminal Services client on a per-computer basis, click the Computer Policy object. If you want to distribute the Terminal Services client on a per-user basis, click the User Policy object.

    6. In the left pane, click the plus sign (+) next to the policy object to expand the view. Under the policy object, expand the Software Settings so that the "Software installation" policy object appears.

    7. Right-click Software installation, point to New, and then click Package. Or, point to New on the Action menu, and then click Package.

    8. When the Software Package Control tool appears, locate the network share using the UNC path that contains the Terminal Services client installation files and click the MSI package that you created. Click Open.

    9. Click the deployment method or click Advanced to configure the package if needed.

    10. The package should appear in the right pane of the Group Policy window. Quit Group Policy Manager and quit the Group Policy Control tool.

    11. Quit the Active Directory Users and Computers administration console.

    12. Refresh the domain policy by typing the appropriate line at a command prompt:
      secedit /refreshpolicy machine_policy /enforce


      secedit /refreshpolicy user_policy /enforce

  6. Package application:

    1. Ensure that replication has occurred on all domain controllers before attempting to use the published program.

    2. Log on to a workstation to receive the published Terminal Services client.

    3. Test the policy and make changes if needed.

    4. You can now remove the Terminal Services client installation safely from the reference computer.

The policy should now be available to users. If you need to uninstall the Terminal Services client, removing the package from the policy provides the option to automatically uninstall from it from workstations.

NOTE: A transform or edit to package (.mst file) to modify parts of the installation may need to be applied, depending on your organization's needs.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbenv kbtool
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: December 30, 1999
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