The information in this article applies to:
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the registry. Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how to restore it if a problem occurs. For information about how to do this, view the "Restoring the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or the "Restoring a Registry Key" Help topic in Regedt32.exe. SUMMARYThis article describes how to configure the short date format that is displayed in Windows and Windows NT. MORE INFORMATION
In Windows and Windows NT, the short date format is the date format that is displayed to the user. Some third-party programs may also use the short date format to determine the date. Because the short date format contains only two digits for the year by default, third-party programs that use the short date format may misinterpret dates after the year 1999 as years in the 1900s. an attempt to avoid possible issues that may occur using third-party programs that use the short date format, you can configure the short date format to use a 4-digit year instead of a 2-digit year by using one of the following methods: Change the Short Date Format for a UserYou can change the short date format for a specific user using the Regional Settings tool in Control Panel:
Change the Short Date Format for All Users in the RegistryWARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing Keys and Values" Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) or the "Add and Delete Information in the Registry" and "Edit Registry Data" Help topics in Regedt32.exe. Note that you should back up the registry before you edit it. If you are running Windows NT, you should also update your Emergency Repair Disk (ERD). NOTE: This method does not work in Windows NT 4.0. You can edit the regitry to change the short date format for all the user accounts on the computer:
HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\International Change the Short Date Format for All Users Using a System PolicyTo configure the short date format using a system policy, create a custom .adm template file, and then set a system policy using System Policy Editor (Poledit.exe) to configure the short date format.For additional information about creating and using system policies, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q159936 Using the Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 System Policy EditorNOTE: Administrators can use a system policy file for greater control in configuring the short date format on a network. For information about how to implement profiles and policies in Windows NT, please click the link below to visit the Microsoft Web site: Create a Custom ADM Template FileTo create a custom .adm template file that you can use to configure the short date format, follow these steps:
Create or Modify System Policy FileYou can edit the registry by using System Policy Editor (Poledit.exe) or Registry Editor (Regedit.exe). Check with your network administrator before you make any changes to the registry.System Policy Editor (Poledit.exe) is available in the Admin\Apptools\Poledit folder on the Windows 95 compact disc. Use the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel to install System Policy Editor. NOTE: If you are using the Microsoft Office 97 system policy templates that are included in the Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit, you must use the version of the System Policy Editor that is included in the Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit or the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit. You can download Policy.exe, a self-extracting executable file that contains Poledit.exe, from online services. Download this file from the following Web site: the following steps to edit the registry with System Policy Editor: To create or modify your system policy file using the new Shrtdate.adm template file, follow these steps:
Q216661 How to Implement a Policy to Set the Date FormatFor more information about how Microsoft products are affected by year 2000 (Y2K) issues, please see the following Microsoft World Wide Web site: Additional query words: y2k
Keywords : kbenv kbnetwork kbtool kb2000 win95 win98 |
Last Reviewed: December 29, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |