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SUMMARYThe ACREGL, ACSR, and ACINIUPD commands are included with Terminal Server. They work within the provided application compatibility scripts. This article includes information on the use and options of these tools. MORE INFORMATIONThe ACREGL, ACSR, and ACINIUPD commands were written to fill the specific needs of the scripts that Microsoft ships with the product. They aren't necessarily flexible enough for any general application compatibility script. ACREGLAcregl Filename EnvVarName Key Value OptionsThis tool looks up the desired key and value in the registry. It writes the result as a SET statement to the indicated filename. Options allow some massaging of the value before it is written to the file. Key must start with HKLM or HKCU. Often the key will be in quotes, as it contains embedded spaces. Value may be blank ("") to look up the default value for a key. The ACREGL tool only supports values that return a string type. REG_SZ is ideal. REG_MULTI_SZ would only contain the first item in the list. REG_EXPAND_SZ should work but it won't explicitly get expanded. The options parameter can be blank ("") or it can be one of the two following choices: "STRIPCHARxn" searches from right to left. It strips the rightmost n instances of the character x. The count may be omitted for a single character, but it is still recommended. Otherwise you need to be careful; a backslash will be treated as an escape character for the following quote. For example: "STRIPCHAR\3" changes C:\WINNT40\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu to C:\WINNT40 "STRIPPATH" removes the path from the value. Example: "STRIPPATH" changes C:\WINNT40\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu to Start Menu Full Example: ACREGL MyKey.Cmd INSTLOC "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Common\InstallRoot" "" "" This command creates the file MyKey.Cmd with the contents: SET INSTLOC=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office An application compatibility script can then use "CALL MyKey.Cmd" to retrieve the value of the registry key. The acregl command returns an errorlevel of one indicating failure and a zero indicating success. ACSRAcsr Search Replace InputFile OutputFileThis command performs simple text replacement. It reads from the Input file and writes to the Output file. Each occurrence of the search string is changed to the replace string. Any of the parameters can contain environment variables if desired. An errorlevel of one indicates failure and a zero is returned indicating success. Example: ACSR "#ROOTDRIVE#" "%RootDrive%" Template\Office97.key Office97.key This example changes the text #ROOTDRIVE# to the value of the RootDrive environment variable. It reads the Office97.key from the template subdirectory and writes to an Office97.key file in the current directory. ACINIUPDAciniupd [/e | /k] [/u] [/v] ini_file section key new_valueThe aciniupd tool is used to update .ini files. It has several modes and options. The /e option is used to update the value for a given key and section. For example, the following will update the value of the USER-DOT-PATH key in the Microsoft Word section of WinWord6.ini: Aciniupd /e "Winword6.ini" "Microsoft Word" USER-DOT-PATH "%RootDrive%\OFFICE43\WINWORD" The /k option updates a key name with the new key name in the specified section. In the following example, the key WZTABLE.MDA in the Libraries section of MsAcc20.Ini is changed. NOTE: This option changes the left side of the KEY=VALUE statement while the /e option changes the right side. Aciniupd /k "Msacc20.ini" Libraries "WZTABLE.MDA" "%RootDrive%\OFFICE43\ACCESS\WZTABLE.MDA" The /u option updates the .INI file in the user's windows directory instead of in the system directory. This is accomplished by changing the system mode to execute, if currently in install mode. The mode returns to its original state when the tool completes. Finally, the /v option is for verbose mode. In verbose mode, error and status messages are displayed as appropriate. The tool operates silently by default. As with the other two utilities, aciniupd returns an errorlevel of one for failure and zero for success. Additional query words:
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