Windows 95 Views But Cannot Access NTFS and HPFS Partitions

ID: Q118791

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95


When you double-click My Computer after installing Windows 95 on a system with Windows NT or OS/2 already installed, Windows 95 recognizes any existing NTFS and HPFS partitions as hard disk drives. However, Windows 95 does not have access to the NTFS or HPFS partitions and therefore reports one or more of the following errors when you try to use an NTFS or HPFS disk partition:

The disk in drive <x> is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?
Drive <x> cannot be selected right now. Try again later.
Unable to create 'fldr000'.
Make sure the disk is not full or read-only.
Windows 95 incorrectly reports the size of and space available on the NTFS or HPFS drive. Both values are overestimated. For example, a 80-megabyte (MB) partition may be reported as 3.5 gigabytes in size with 1.8 gigabytes of available space.

Windows 95 allows you to share an NTFS or HPFS drive. Connecting to a shared NTFS or HPFS drive results in either an empty listing or the following error message
An error occurred while connecting to drive <x>.
where <x> is the selected drive letter for the network connection.


Windows 95 does not support read and write access to NTFS or HPFS partitions; however, Windows 95 Setup does identify these partitions as hard disk drives.


Currently, there is no method to prevent Windows 95 from displaying NTFS or HPFS partitions as disk drives.

Additional query words: wwt err msg

Keywords : 3rdpartynet win95 winshell wpp95
Version : 95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: June 4, 1999
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