SCSIPORT.PDR Installed on All Computers During Setup

ID: Q123611

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95


When you install Windows 95, the file SCSIPORT.PDR is installed even if you do not have a SCSI controller.


This file is installed in the Windows \SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS directory on all computers, even those without SCSI controllers. Many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) do not specify through their .INF files to install SCSIPORT.PDR when you add their SCSI devices; therefore, Windows 95 installs it during Setup.

Microsoft recommends that you leave SCSIPORT.PDR on your hard disk in case you add a SCSI device at a later time. Its small size does not consume much space.

Additional query words: 3rdparty scuzzy

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Last Reviewed: June 22, 1999
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