No Sharing Options in Clipboard Viewer in Windows 95

ID: Q128631

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95


When you try to share Clipboard Viewer pages in Windows 95, the relevant buttons (for example, the Share, Stop Sharing, Connect, and Disconnect buttons) are missing and there is no Connect command on the File menu.


The Clipboard Viewer tool that is included with Windows 95 does not have sharing functionality.


If you install Windows 95 over Windows for Workgroups version 3.x and during Setup choose to not install the Windows 95 Clipboard Viewer, Windows 95 retains the Windows for Workgroups ClipBook Viewer, which has sharing functionality.

For ClipBook Viewer to have the Share option, NETDDE must be running. Place a shortcut to Netdde.exe (from the Windows folder) in the Startup folder to cause NETDDE to run automatically at every startup.

Additional query words: clip board clip book

Keywords : kbnetwork kbole win95
Version : 95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: June 17, 1999
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