Frequently Asked Questions About Microsoft Exchange Profiles

ID: Q129211

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95
  • Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95


This article contains frequently asked questions about Microsoft Exchange profiles in Windows 95.


  1. Q. What is a Microsoft Exchange profile?

    A. A Microsoft Exchange profile consists of the services you choose to access your mail provider(s), and provides personal address book storage and a personal information store. By default, Windows 95 provides services for Microsoft Mail, Microsoft Fax, The Microsoft Network Online Service, CompuServe Mail, Personal Address Book, and Personal Information Store. Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 provides a service for Internet Mail.

    NOTE: The CompuServe Mail information service is included in the CD-ROM version of Windows 95, but not in the floppy disk version. To use the CompuServe Mail information service, you must have the CD-ROM version of Windows 95.

  2. Q. How do I set up a Microsoft Exchange profile?

    A. To set up a profile, follow these steps:

    1. Double-click the Mail And Fax icon in Control Panel.

    2. If you have not set up a profile in Microsoft Exchange before, the Inbox Setup Wizard starts automatically. Click the options you want to use in your profile, and then click Next. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish setting up your profile.

      If you have set up a profile in Microsoft Exchange before, you can start the Inbox Setup Wizard by clicking Show Profiles, and then clicking Add. After the Inbox Setup Wizard has started, click the options you want to use in your profile, and then click Next. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish setting up your profile.

  3. Q. Can I have more than one Microsoft Exchange profile?

    A. Yes. After you set up a profile, the Inbox Setup Wizard asks you for a name for the profile. You can repeat the procedure to create as many profiles as you want.

  4. Q. How do I switch between profiles, and how does Microsoft Exchange know which profile to use if I have several?

    A. To switch between profiles, double-click the Mail And Fax icon in Control Panel, and then click Show Profiles. In the "When starting Microsoft Exchange, use this profile" box, click the profile you want to use, and then click Close. Then, start Microsoft Exchange.

    If you have multiple profiles and you have not configured Microsoft Exchange to prompt you for the profile to use each time you start Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Exchange uses the default profile defined in the Mail and Fax tool. If multiple users are using one computer, Microsoft Exchange uses each user's default profile.

    To have Microsoft Exchange prompt you for the profile to use each time you start Microsoft Exchange, follow these steps:

    1. In Microsoft Exchange, click Options on the Tools menu.

    2. In the "When starting Microsoft Exchange, use this profile" box, click "Prompt for a profile to be used," and then click OK.

    3. On the File menu, click Exit And Log Off.

    4. Restart Microsoft Exchange.

  5. Q. How do I set up Microsoft Exchange profiles for multiple users on the same computer?

    A. When you shut down Windows 95, you have the option to log on as a different user. Selecting this option lets you log on as another user and set up new Microsoft Exchange profiles for that user. To do so, follow these steps:

    1. Double-click the Passwords icon in Control Panel, and then click the User Profiles tab.

    2. Click "Users can customize their preferences...," and then click OK.

    3. Have another user log on to Windows 95 and set up a profile. This profile is used the next time the same user logs on and starts Microsoft Exchange.

  6. Q. When I create a profile, what is the profile's file name, and how is it stored?

    A. When you create a profile, the profile name and services are noted in the registry. There is no file or file name for the profile. However, personal address book (.pab) and personal information store (.pst) files are created for the profile and stored on the hard disk.

  7. Q. Can I delete a profile?

    A. Yes. To delete a profile, follow these steps:

    1. Double-click the Mail And Fax icon in Control Panel.

    2. Click Show Profiles.

    3. Click the profile you want to remove, and then click Remove.

    NOTE: This procedure removes the profile, but does not remove the personal address book (.pab) and personal information store (.pst) files associated with the profile.

  8. Q. If I have a profile that includes the The Microsoft Network Online Service information service and the Internet Mail information service, and The Microsoft Network is not my Internet service provider, how is Microsoft Exchange able to communicate with both The Microsoft Network and my Internet service provider?

    A. Microsoft Exchange can be configured to connect to The Microsoft Network and a different Internet service provider in the same profile, but not at the same time. For example, if Microsoft Exchange has already connected to The Microsoft Network to send and receive The Microsoft Network mail, it does not attempt to connect to your Internet service provider to send and receive Internet mail.

  9. Q. When I send mail, Microsoft Exchange uses fax first, and MSN, The Microsoft Network, second. How can I configure Microsoft Exchange to use MSN first?

    A. You need to change the delivery sequence for the information services. To do so, follow these steps:

    1. Start Microsoft Exchange (Inbox).

    2. On the Tools menu, click Options.

    3. Click the Delivery tab.

    4. In the "Recipient addresses are processed by these information services in the following order" list, specify the order you want.

    5. Click OK.

Keywords : winplus win95 msnetwork exchange
Version : 95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: May 20, 1999
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