MS-DOS-Based Program's Setup Causes Blue-Screen Error Message

ID: Q129973

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95


When you run an MS-DOS-based program's Setup, you may receive the following error message on a blue screen after you change disks:

Error reading disk in drive <x>: Please insert disk with serial number <n> in drive <x> Press ENTER for OK or ESC to cancel.


Windows 95 supports an "Accessed" date stamp that stores the last time a file was opened. The error message stated above can occur when a Setup program opens a file on a floppy disk but does not close it when you change disks.


You may be able to work around this problem by using one of the following methods:

  • Insert the program's Disk 1 and press ENTER.

  • If you write-protect the first disk before you run Setup, Windows 95 may not try to write the Accessed date stamp. Note, however, that some programs require write access to Disk 1 for Setup to run correctly.

If you continue to have problems with the application, please contact the application's manufacturer about a possible workaround or update.


The following applications have been reported to exhibit this behavior:

  • Calendar Creator Plus 5.0 for MS-DOS

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Last Reviewed: June 17, 1999
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