Cannot Connect to Windows NT Share with Extended Character

ID: Q133074

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95


You may be unable to connect to a share on a Microsoft Windows NT-based computer.


This problem can occur if the share name on the Windows NT-based computer contains extended characters that have no uppercase equivalent.


To allow Windows 95-based computers to connect to the share on the Windows NT-based computer, use either of the following methods:

  • Change the share name so that it contains no extended characters.

  • Change the share name so that it contains characters that have an uppercase equivalent.


To see a sample extended lowercase character, follow these steps:

  1. Start Notepad.

  2. Press down and hold the ALT key while you type 131 on the numeric keypad.

Additional query words: winnt

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Last Reviewed: July 13, 1999
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