Older ESS Sound Tools Incompatible with Windows 95

ID: Q137514

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95


Certain programs, such as Talking Calculator, are preinstalled on computers containing an ESS Technologies ESS688 sound card. These programs may produce any of the following symptoms in Windows 95:

  • Sounds do not work.

  • Programs stop responding (hang).

  • System sounds may be disabled after you run one of these programs.


The 16-bit ESS Technologies programs listed below are not compatible with Windows 95.


Contact ESS Technologies for information about upgrading these programs to versions that are compatible with Windows 95.


The following ESS Technologies programs are known to cause the problems described in this article:

  • Audio Clip Library

  • Talking Calculator (Tcalc.exe, 7/5/94)

  • Chime (Chime.exe, 7/5/94)

  • Talking Clock (Tclock.exe, 7/15/94)

  • Reminder (Reminder.exe, 7/5/94)

  • Setup (Setup.exe 10/15/94)

  • Stop Watch (Stpwatch.exe, 7/5/94)

  • Talking Timer (Ttimer.exe, 7/12/94)

Many of these programs use a proprietary waveform format. These files have an .aud extension. Windows 95 cannot recognize this format.

The third-party products discussed in this article are manufactured by a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: presario

Keywords : win95 appscomp
Version : 95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: June 15, 1999
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