The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSWhen you try to use the Uninstall option in the Add/Remove Programs tool, you may receive the following error message when your computer restarts: When this occurs, the Uninstall procedure cannot be completed, and you may not be able to start the computer from the hard disk. CAUSEThis problem can occur when any of the following conditions exists:
RESOLUTIONUse the information in the appropriate section below to try to resolve the problem. If you cannot start your computer from the hard disk, you can start it using your Windows 95 Startup disk. MBR Protected by Virus Scanning SoftwareIf you suspect that a virus scanning program is preventing Uninstall from writing to the MBR, disable the virus scanning program by editing the Config.sys or Autoexec.bat file to temporarily disable the program. Place the word Rem at the beginning of the line or lines used to load the virus scanningprogram. After you make this change, restart the computer.For information about the virus scanning program, consult the program's documentation or manufacturer. MBR Protected by Hardware-Level Virus Scanning ProgramTo disable hardware-level virus detection, run your computer's CMOS configuration utility and disable the virus detection.For information about your computer's CMOS configuration utility, please consult the computer's documentation or manufacturer. Third-Party Partitioning SoftwareIf third-party partitioning software is preventing Uninstall from writing to the MBR, refer to the software's documentation for information about restoring the previous MBR or modifying the current MBR.Boot-Sector VirusIf you suspect that your computer has been infected with a boot-sector virus, use an anti-virus program to detect and remove the virus.For additional information about viruses, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q82923 Methods to Detect a Boot-Sector VirusAfter you resolve the problem that is preventing Uninstall from writing to the MBR, start your computer with your Windows 95 Startup disk, and then run Uninstall by typing the following command at the command prompt <disk>:\uninstal <W95undo.dat_location>where <disk> is the drive containing the Startup disk and <W95undo.dat_location> is the full path to the W95undo.dat file.
Keywords : win95 |
Last Reviewed: June 14, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |