Slow Network Printing from MS-DOS-Based Programs

ID: Q140036

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95
  • Microsoft Windows 98


When you print from an MS-DOS-based program, it may take from 60 to 90 seconds before printing begins, causing the program to pause. Quitting the program causes printing to begin immediately.

This behavior may also occur when you use the PRINT SCREEN key in an MS-DOS-based program.


This problem can occur if the MS-DOS-based program does not close the printer port. By default, Windows 95 waits 45 seconds after the program stops sending information before printing the document.


To resolve this issue, add the following lines to the appropriate sections of the System.ini file, and then restart your computer:


NOTE: If the [Network] or [IFSMGR] sections do not exist in the System.ini file, add the sections after the [386Enh] section of the file.

These settings are in seconds. The lower the value you use, the sooner the document is printed. If you do not receive any printout, or documents are printed over multiple pages, the settings may be too low. Increase the settings until documents are printed correctly.


The entry in the [Network] section controls the network printing timeout using the real-mode redirector (outside of Windows 95). The entry in the [IFSMGR] section controls the network printing timeout using the protected- mode redirector (within Windows 95). By default, this value is set to 45 seconds.

Note that these settings may affect local as well as network printing.

Keywords : kbnetwork kbprint win95
Version : WINDOWS:95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: May 24, 1999
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