How to Use Maple.adm with System Policy Editor

ID: Q142178

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95

This article contains information about using Windows 95 with a configuration that has not been tested and is not supported by Microsoft.

If the steps described in this article do not function properly, use a supported configuration.


This article describes how to merge the Microsoft Service for NetWare Directory Services policy file (Maple.adm) with the Admin.adm policy file included with Windows 95 to create a policy file that incorporates all policies from both files.

For information about how to obtain the Microsoft Service for NetWare Directory Services, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q138709 Microsoft Service for NetWare Directory Services Available


The Microsoft Service for NetWare Directory Services (MSNDS) includes a file named Maple.adm that contains MSNDS-specific policies. This file is used with System Policy Editor as a template to create policy files.

You can change the template in System Policy Editor by clicking Template on the Options menu, and then selecting the Maple.adm file.

Windows 95 includes a file named Admin.adm that is used for most policies. It is located in the Windows\Inf folder.

To create a policy file that incorporates both templates, follow these steps:

  1. Use any text editor (such as Notepad) to open the Admin.adm file in the Windows\Inf folder.

  2. Run a second instance of the text editor and open the Maple.adm file in the folder containing MSNDS.

  3. Copy the text in the Maple.adm file beginning with
    CATEGORY !!NWClient4
    and ending with:
    END CATEGORY; Microsoft NetWare-Compatible Network
    Paste the text into the Admin.adm file before the following section:
    CATEGORY !!AccessControl
    NOTE: When you copy the text in the Maple.adm file, make sure to include the CATEGORY and END CATEGORY lines in the text you are copying.

  4. Copy the text in the Maple.adm file in the [Strings] section. Paste the text into the bottom of the [Strings] section in the Admin.adm file.

  5. Save the Admin.adm file as a file named Merged.adm.

  6. In System Policy Editor, click Template on the Options menu, and select the Merged.adm file. Note that you must close any open policy file before changing the template.

NOTE: System Policy Editor is not included in the floppy disk version of Windows 95. You can download Policy.exe, a self-extracting executable file containing Poledit.exe, from online services. Please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for information about downloading Policy.exe:
Q135315 CD-ROM Extras for Microsoft Windows 95 Upgrade

Keywords : kbnetwork kbtool win95
Version : 95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: June 2, 1999
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