Availability of Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1

ID: Q142794

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 2.0 for Windows 95


This article contains information about the availability of Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1.



Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 is a collection of add-ons and updates for the released version of Windows 95. Previously released add-ons for Windows 95 included in this Service Pack are:

   Microsoft 32-bit DLC Protocol for Windows 95
   Microsoft Exchange Update
   Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0
   Microsoft Service for NetWare Directory Services (MSNDS)
   Microsoft Windows 95 Infrared Driver (IrDA) version 1.0
   Microsoft Windows 95 SLIP and Scripting Support for Dial-Up Networking
   Microsoft Word Viewer for Windows 95 
Tools for use with Windows 95 Scripted Installation and Network Management included in this Service Pack are:

   Microsoft Batch Installation Utility for Windows 95
   Microsoft INF Generator Utility for Windows 95
   Microsoft INF Installation Tool for Windows 95
   Microsoft Support Assistant for Windows 95
   Microsoft Systems Management Server PDF File
   Microsoft Windows NT Server Management Tools for Windows 95 
Updated files (fixes) included in this Service Pack are:

   File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
   File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks
   LPT Port Driver Update for ECP Ports
   Microsoft Client for Microsoft Networks
   Microsoft OLE32 Update
   Microsoft Plus! System Agent Update
   Windows 95 Common Dialog Update
   Windows 95 Password List Update version 9.00.951
   Windows 95 Shell Update 


You can order Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 on CD-ROM or 1.44-MB disks for $14.95 plus shipping and handling by calling the Microsoft Order Desk at (800) 360-7561.

Or, you can download Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 from the following online sources.

NOTE: Please see the "Files to Download" section of this article to determine which files to download.

The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center. Click the file names below to download the files:
For more information about how to download files from the Microsoft Download Center, please visit the Download Center at the following Web address
and then click How to use the Microsoft Download Center.

Files to Download

Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 is available in three ways:
  • Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Update

    If you want only the updated files (fixes) for Windows 95, download Setup.exe to an empty folder. Double-click Setup.exe after you download it.

  • Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Individual Components

    If you want only the individual add-ons or scripted installation and network management tools for Windows 95, download the appropriate file to an empty folder. After you download the file, double-click it.

          File name      Description
          Assist.exe     Windows 95 Support Assistant
          Batch20.exe    Batch Installation Utility (Version 2.0)
          Dscrpt.exe     SLIP and Scripting Support for Dial-Up Networking
          Exchupd.exe    Microsoft Exchange Update
          Ig.exe         INF Generator Utility
          Infinstd.exe   INF Installation Tool
          Msdlc32.exe    32-bit DLC Protocol
          Msie20.exe     Internet Explorer 2.0
          Msnds.exe      MSNDS
          Nexus.exe      Microsoft Windows NT Server Management Tools
          Script.exe     SLIP and Scripting Support for Dial-Up Networking
          Sp1nsf.exe     Folder to update a Windows 95 network distribution
          Sp1upd.exe     Silent update for network administrators
          W95ir.exe      Infrared Driver (IrDA). The version of this file
                         that is available for download is version 2.0. 
  • Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Complete

    If you want the entire Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1, download all of the following files to an empty folder. After you download the files, double-click Start.exe.



Support for installation of the Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 updates is handled as standard Windows support. Installation of Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 does not restart the warranty period for customers whose 90 days have expired. Assistance to owners of OEM versions of Windows 95 is provided as paid support.

Component Information

For more detailed information about the components included in Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q143003 Description of Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Updates
Q143004 Description of Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Tools
Q146449 Description of Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Components

For information about how to determine what version of Windows you have installed, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q158238 How to Determine the Version of Windows 95/98 in Use

Additional query words: msiexplore

Keywords : kbfile win95 msiew95 servicepack1
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: January 18, 2000
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