Cannot Uncompress DriveSpace Drive After Using Partition Magic

ID: Q154050

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95
  • Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95


When you try to uncompress a drive compressed with DriveSpace, the process may stop at 24 percent finished and then state that it needs to restart Windows 95 in a special mode. When your computer restarts, it restarts Windows 95 and the uncompress operation is not completed.


This behavior can occur if you use Partition Magic to create additional partitions on the drive. When you do, Partition Magic may change the drive letter assignment for the host drive from its default letter (usually drive H).


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer. When you see the "Starting Windows 95" message, press the F8 key and then choose "Safe Mode Command Prompt Only" from the Startup menu.

  2. Change the attributes of the Drvspace.ini or Dblspace.ini file in the root folder of the physical boot drive. To do so, change to the root folder of the physical boot drive and then type the following line
    attrib -s -h -r <filename>
    where <filename> is either Dblspace.ini or Drvspace.ini

  3. Open the Drvspace.ini or Dblspace.ini file using any text editor (such as

  4. Locate the line that reads:
    Change the "H" in this line to the drive letter that is assigned to the host drive.

    For example, if the host drive is actually drive I, change the line to read:

  5. Save and then close the file.

  6. Restart your computer.

  7. Run the uncompress operation again.


Partition Magic is manufactured by Power Quest Corporation, a vendor independent of Microsoft. We make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability. For technical support, contact Power Quest at or visit Power Quest's Web site at:

Keywords : kb3rdparty kbtool winplus win95
Version : 95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: June 14, 1999
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