The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSThe Vnetbios.vxd virtual device included with Windows 95 is limited to 38 posted Listens. Some programs that use the NetBIOS Application Programming Interface (API) in Windows 95 may need to post more than 38 Listens. The following error message may be displayed if this is attempted: Note that posting other commands to the NetBIOS interface may also result in this error message. This occurs mostly with asynchronous commands, but may also occur with synchronous commands. As a general rule, a command uses space for one network control block (NCB) in the device's internal buffer. This buffer is separate from, and does not affect, the number of sessions available to NetBIOS. CAUSEThe Vnetbios.vxd virtual device runs out of internal storage for NCBs when 38 Listens are posted. A key available in the Microsoft Windows 3.11 System.ini file (the "NumHCBs=" line in the [386Enh] section of the file) that allows the internal storage buffer to be expanded is not implemented in Windows 95. RESOLUTION
A supported fix for Windows 95 and OEM Service Release 2 that corrects this
problem is now available from Microsoft, but has not been fully regression
tested and should be applied only to computers experiencing this specific
problem. To resolve this problem immediately, contact Microsoft Technical
upport to obtain the fix. fix for Windows 95 and OEM Service Release 2 should have the following file attributes (or later):
NOTE: If you contact Microsoft to obtain this fix, a fee may be charged.
This fee is refundable if it is determined that you only require the fix
you requested. However, this fee is non-refundable if you request
additional technical support, if your no-charge technical support period
has expired, or if you are not eligible for standard no-charge technical
For more information about eligibility for no-charge technical support, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q154871 Determining If Your Product Is Eligible for No-Charge Technical Support STATUS
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Windows 95 and
OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2).
MORE INFORMATIONAfter you obtain and install the update, add one of the values listed below for the "NumHCBs=" line in the System.ini file. Note that the number of Listens is not an exact correlate of the value set for the "NumHCBs=" line. This occurs because the Vnetbios.vxd internal command buffer is allocated in pages, rather than the exact value on the "NumHCBs=" line.
NOTE: The semicolon (;) character shown at the beginning of the sample
entries begins commented text. Windows 95 ignores all text that follows
the semicolon. Include only one of the lines in the System.ini file, and
make sure that the leading semicolon has been removed so that the value is
Additional query words: netbios NumHCBs maximum listens
Keywords : kberrmsg kbnetwork osr2 win95 |
Last Reviewed: June 7, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |