Error Message: The Set of Folders Could Not Be Opened

ID: Q172604

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95


When you try to open the Microsoft Exchange Inbox, you may receive either of the following error messages:

  • The set of folders could not be opened. An unexpected error occurred. Could not initialize the provider (MSPST.DLL) MAPI 1.0 - 1026 (8004010F)

  • Unable to display the folder. An unexpected error has occured. Mapi was unable to load the information service mspst.dll. Be sure the service is correctly installed and configured.


The Mspst32.dll file may be missing or damaged.


To resolve this issue, extract a new copy of the Mspst32.dll file from your original Windows 95 disks or CD-ROM to the Windows\System folder.

The Mspst32.dll file is located in the cabinet file on the Windows 95 CD-ROM, the cabinet file on disk 6 of the original Windows 95 DMF floppy disks, or from the cabinet file on disk 10 of the original Windows 95 non-DMF floppy disks.

For information about using the Extract tool, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q129605 How to Extract Original Compressed Windows Files

Additional query words:

Keywords : kberrmsg kbtool win95 w95exchange
Version : WINDOWS:95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 11, 1999
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