Sockets Programs May Not Work After Suspend and Resume

ID: Q181777

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95
  • Microsoft Windows 95 OEM Service Release versions 1, 2, 2.1, 2.5


Socket-based programs running on a Windows 95-based computer may be unable to communicate over a network after the computer is suspended and then resumed from suspended mode.


Network protocol drivers are unloaded by NDIS when the computer is suspended. When the TCP/IP protocol is unloaded, the state of any open sockets is changed and are not restored when the computer is resumed.


This issue is resolved by the following updated file for Windows 95 (all versions):

   Ndis.vxd  version 4.00.1112  dated 1/29/98  11:12am  115,813 bytes 

The updated Ndis.vxd file has been modified so that protocols are not unloaded when the computer is suspended.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Windows 95 and OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2). An update to address this problem is now available, but is not fully regression tested and should be applied only to computers experiencing this specific problem. Unless you are severely impacted by this specific problem, Microsoft does not recommend implementing this update at this time. Contact Microsoft Technical Support for additional information about the availability of this update.

This problem is resolved in Microsoft Windows 98.

Additional query words: APM LanDesk

Keywords : kbenv kbnetwork osr1 osr2 win95 osr
Version : WINDOWS:95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: June 30, 1999
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