Converting Paintbrush PCX Pictures to WordPerfect WPG Format

ID: Q68900

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows versions 3.0, 3.0a, 3.1, 3.11
  • Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1, 3.11


WordPerfect version 5.1 has a graphics conversion utility that can convert a Paintbrush PCX file into a WordPerfect WPG file.


To convert a PCX file into a WordPerfect WPG file:

  1. Save your Paintbrush picture in the PCX file format.

  2. From MS-DOS, start the WordPerfect graphics conversion utility, GRAPHCNV.EXE, located in the WordPerfect directory. The program displays the following prompt:
    Enter name of file to convert:

  3. Type the path and filename (for example) c:\windows\test.pcx and press ENTER.

  4. The file is converted to the WordPerfect WPG file format, which WordPerfect can read.

For more information, use the Help switch when starting GRAPHCNV.EXE. For example:
The products included here, WordPerfect and GRAPHCNV.EXE, are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.


WordPerfect's GRAPHCNV.EXE help facility

Additional query words: 3rdparty 3.0 3.0a 3.00a WP WP51 Word win30 Perfect wfw wfwg

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0a,3.1,3.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 9, 1999
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