How to Set the KX-P1124 Printer Emulation Modes

ID: Q68902

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows versions 3.0, 3.0a


There is a new printer driver available for the Panasonic KX-P1124. This driver was written by Microsoft and is available from Microsoft Product Support Support Services or from Panasonic.

If you do not have the proper driver, you can use one of the two emulation modes the printer supports and print using the corresponding Microsoft Windows printer driver.

  1. Epson LQ-2500

    • Epson LQ-2500 Italic

    • Epson LQ-2500 Graphic Set 2

  2. IBM Proprinter X24

    • IBM X24 Graphic Set 1

    • IBM X24 Graphic Set 2

The Panasonic KX-P1124 is shipped using the Epson LQ-2500 Italic mode as the default. This emulation does not support the extended character set (that is, single and double box outlines, and Greek characters).


The following examples explain how to set up the KX-P1124 for the IBM Proprinter X24 and Epson LQ-2500 emulation modes.


To begin selecting the appropriate emulation, perform the following steps to get into the initial setup mode:
  1. Turn the printer off.

  2. Press and hold the FUNCTION key on the printer.

  3. Turn the printer on.

  4. Release the FUNCTION key.

NOTE: The ON-LINE light should begin flashing, indicating that you are operating in the initial setup mode.

The printer's front panel includes the following arrangement:

                Col1   Col2   Col3   Col4   Col5   Col6
               [LED]  [LED]  [LED]  [LED]  [LED]  [LED]
   Row1 [LED]
   Row3 [LED]
   Row5 [LED] 
At this point, Row1 should be lit and one of the LEDs in columns 1 through 4 should be lit. Below is a quick reference to what emulation is active:

Emulation                               Column Indicator
---------                               ----------------
Epson LQ-2500 Italic                    Col 1
Epson LQ-2500 Graphic Set 2             Col 2
IBM Proprinter X24 Graphic Set 1        Col 3
IBM Proprinter X24 Graphic Set 2        Col 4 

Setting an Emulation Mode

For Epson LQ-2500 (Italic):
  1. Press the ROW button until Row1 is lit.

  2. Press the COLUMN button until Col1 is lit.

  3. Press the SET button.

  4. Press the ON-LINE button; the printer resets with the new configuration.

For Epson LQ-2500 (Graphic Set 2):
  1. Press the ROW button until Row1 is lit.

  2. Press the COLUMN button until Col2 is lit.

  3. Press the SET button.

  4. Press the ON-LINE button; the printer resets with the new configuration.

For IBM Proprinter X24 (Graphic Set 1):
  1. Press the ROW button until Row1 is lit.

  2. Press the COLUMN button until Col3 is lit.

  3. Press the SET button.

  4. Press the ON-LINE button (the printer resets with the new configuration.

For IBM Proprinter X24 (Graphic Set 2):
  1. Press the ROW button until Row1 is lit.

  2. Press the COLUMN button until Col4 is lit.

  3. Press the SET button.

  4. Press the ON-LINE button; the printer resets with the new configuration.

With the printer configured, install the corresponding printer driver in the Control Panel or through the MS-DOS application's printer setup.

The products included here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: 3rdparty 3.0 3.0a 3.00a KXP 1124 win30 windrvr

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 4, 1999
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