Automating Network Pointing Devices via SETUP.INF

ID: Q69968

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows versions 3.0, 3.0a


When Microsoft Windows 3.0 is set up on a network workstation via the SETUP /N command, there are nine possible choices for pointing devices. It is possible to add additional pointing device drivers for touch screens, digitizing tablets, and trackballs by editing the SETUP.INF before running SETUP /N on the individual workstations.


Use the following outline to add additional pointing device drivers via the SETUP.INF file.

  1. Copy the appropriate Windows 3.00 device drivers into the shared Windows directory.

  2. Edit the SETUP.INF file with a standard ASCII text editor and locate the pointing.device section:
          Identifier=x:drivename, "Description", x:virtualdrivername,
    Parameter         Description
    ----------       ------------
    Identifier       Driver short name
    drivername       Driver filename ending in .DRV
    Description      Title of driver used at setup
    Virtualdriver    (VMD) Most pointing devices use the internal driver
                     in WIN386.EXE, but the manufacturer may supply one
                     that will end in .386, e.g. "1:summa.386"
    Dosdriver        Pointing device driver in the CONFIG.SYS or
                     AUTOEXEC.BAT that will be replaced by new version if
                     selected (for example, replace old MOUSE.SYS with new

  3. Add a blank line to the end of this section, and, on it, enter the additional driver.


To add the following two drivers, SUMMA.DRV and SUMMA.386, add the new line as follows:

   Summa = 1:SUMMA.DRV, "Summa IS/100", 1:SUMMA.386 
The "1:" or "x:" is showing disk number, where driver is located. On network installations this is not valid.

The SETUP.INF file is a comma-delineated text file formatted for 160 columns that supplies customized directions to the SETUP.EXE.

Preferred Workstation Setup Method

Install Windows 3.0 on a network (see pages 543-556 of the "Microsoft Windows User's Guide"), and then run the SETUP /N command on each workstation. In some instances (for example, large workstation groups) it may not be efficient to do this and then customize each workstation individually. By editing the SETUP.INF file with a text editor, it is possible to enhance the SETUP /N command so that it customizes each workstation to a company standard.


"Microsoft Windows User's Guide." Version 3.00, "Networks and Windows," pages 543-556.

Additional query words: 3.00 3.0 3.0a 3.00a win30 SETUP.INF, NETWORKS.TXT Kbsetup

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 5, 1999
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