Installing HP PostScript Drivers (Windows 3.0)

ID: Q74218

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows versions 3.0, 3.0a


The Hewlett-Packard (HP) LaserJet IIID PostScript driver cartridge printer driver for Microsoft Windows version 3.0 is available from HP's fulfillment center. This article contains information about installing this driver.


To install the new PostScript driver, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Control Panel in Windows.

  2. Choose Printers.

  3. Choose Add Printer.

  4. In the list of printers, highlight any PostScript printer (such as the Apple LaserWriter) and choose Install.

  5. Insert the disk you've received from HP into the drive.

  6. If you already have a PostScript printer installed, choose New.

  7. An A:\ appears. Read the message in the dialog box. If it refers to the file POSTSCRIPT.DRV, type the name of the file other than A:\ and choose OK.

  8. If you are prompted to load the file PSCRIPT.HLP, insert Windows disk 5 (5.25-inch disk set) or disk 6 (3.5-inch disk set), and choose OK.

  9. Choose Configure.

  10. Choose a printer port and choose Setup.

  11. Choose Add Printer.

  12. Insert the disk you received from HP into the drive.

  13. Identify the drive containing the HP disk, and choose OK.

  14. Select the HP LaserJet IID V52.2 (or whichever printer you want) and choose Add. If you want, repeat this step to add another HP LaserJet printer, such as the HP LaserJet IIP and III.

    If the message "this printer has already been installed, replace with new" appears, choose Yes.

  15. Choose Done.

  16. Scroll the list box until the HP LaserJet Printer you want is visible, and select it.

  17. Choose OK twice, until you return to the Printers screen.

  18. At the Printers screen, choose the Active button.

  19. Choose OK.

For information about installing the PostScript cartridge, query on the following words:
iiid and postscript
For more information, call Hewlett-Packard's Personal Peripheral Assistance.

The products included here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.


README file from HP PostScript Drivers Disk.

Additional query words: 3.00 3.0 3.0a 3.00a 3rdparty win30

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: October 20, 1999
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