Troubleshooting "Unrecoverable Application Error" in DrWatson

ID: Q75490

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows versions 3.0, 3.0a


If you use DrWatson to assist you in troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows version 3.0 Unrecoverable Application Error (UAE), you may encounter the "Recoverable Application Error" (REA) instead. The RAE is DrWatson's interpretation of the Unrecoverable Application Error (UAE) and should be treated like a UAE.

NOTE: DrWatson is included in Windows versions 3.1 and 3.11 and Windows for Workgroups version 3.1. It is not included with Windows 3.0 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11.


A sample RAE is as follows:


        "PP" ( PowerPoint, for example) "has failed in HPPCL5A.DRV"

                "IGNORING FAULT IS RISKY"

                "Cancel"        "Ignore" 
If you choose Cancel, you usually are returned to the current program,. If you choose Ignore, you usually receive the same error or a UAE. However, the second line of the error, which mentions which program failed in a particular area, gives some clue as to what caused the error, and should be considered in troubleshooting.

For example, if DrWatson mentions the program failed in a certain driver, delete that driver and reinstall the driver. You may have to copy the EXPAND.EXE program over to your hard drive and expand the driver to your hard drive from the original Windows disks.

For more information on how to use the EXPAND.EXE program, query on
expanding and files and from and original and disks and windows

Additional query words: 3.00 3.00a win30 dr watson

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 21, 1999
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