Error Message "Invalid TrueType Font Detected..."

ID: Q83448

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows versions 3.1, 3.11


Windows version 3.1 displays the following error message if you use a corrupt TrueType font:

Invalid TrueType Font Detected
An application used a TrueType font that caused an error in Windows
Quit all applications, and then restart Windows


As a result of this error, TrueType fonts may no longer be available in your application. This problem occurs because after Windows detects an invalid TrueType font, it disables TrueType fonts availability to maintain the integrity of the system. To enable TrueType fonts again, quit all your applications, then restart Windows.

Make sure you delete and reinstall the corrupt font before using it again. If you don't know which font is causing the error message, follow the steps below to determine which font is corrupt:

  1. Open the Control Panel, and double-click the Fonts icon.

  2. Click each font entry in the Installed Fonts list.

  3. Check the line "The size of the font on the disk is: X" If the size is either 0 (zero)K or 2K, you must remove and reinstall that particular font. For information on how to add and remove TrueType fonts, refer to pages 166 and 168 in the "Microsoft Windows User's Guide" for version 3.1.

If you attempt to reinstall the font without restarting Windows, the following message appears:
TrueType fonts are disabled

To use TrueType fonts, select the enable TrueType Fonts check box in the TrueType dialog box, and then restart Windows before installing TrueType fonts.
All you need to do is restart Windows; TrueType fonts are enabled automatically. KBCategory: kbprint kbenv kberrmsg
KBSubcategory: win31

Additional query words: 3.10 ttf True Type invalid tt

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.1,3.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 29, 1999
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